Veda’s Service Dog Training Log Page 23 October 2023

Service Dog Training Log for “Veda”
Celhaus Vivacious
the former Miss Purple from the
VV litter.

back to the main training log page

to the VV litter page
to the VV litter background information
to the VV litter pedigree
to the VV litter temperament test results

Note, December 2022: After introducing “Veda” to several service dog tasks over the past several months.  I believe she would work best as a Medical Alert Psychiatric Service Dog for Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar disorders, Panic attacks, Social phobias and/or post-traumatic stress disorder. So those tasks will be our priority until placed.

 Page 23:  October 2023

Service Puppy Daily Training Log Ratings
(5) Excellent
(4-3) Good
(2-1) Needs Improvement

October 1, 2023
Out of Town

Monday, October 2, 2023
No train – Returned home from Denver

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Behavior on grooming table (5)
Line Brushing (4)
Handling paw/Trimming Nails (4)
Handling ears/Cleaning (4)

Building Drive Games with Toys
Jute toy on long line (4)
Ball on Rope (5)
Gunny Sack on long line (3)
Tug – Rope Toy (3)

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Building Drive (Food) Games (Hunt)
Treat under Tarp (4)

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Pawing Tasks
Push Plate (3)
Light Switch (3)

Friday, October 6, 2023

Retrieving Assistance Tasks
Water Bottle (1)
TV Remote (2)
Cell Phone (2)
Medicine Bag (3)
Medicine Bottle (3)
Purse (1)

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Retrieving Assistance Tasks
Wallet (3)
Sock (3)
Nylon Glove (4)
Leather Glove (3)

Sunday, October 8, 2023
Day Off

Monday, October 9, 2023

Building Drive Games
Tug Game with Gunny Sack (3)
Ball on a Rope (5)
The Two Ball Game (4)

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Retrieval Tasks
Medicine bottle (3)
Medicine bag (3)
TV Remote (2)
Cell Phone (2)

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Retrieval Tasks
Medicine bottle (3)
Medicine Bag (3)
TV Remote (2)
Cell Phone (2)
Purse (1)

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Retrieval Tasks
Socks (4)
Glove (4)
Wallet (4)

Friday, October 13, 2023

Public Access Visit

Bumgarr’s (Newcastle) (4)
Decker’s Market (Newcastle) (4)

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Public Access Visit
Bumgarr’s (Spearfish SD) (4)
Safeway Groceries (Spearfish SD) (4)

Sunday, October 15, 2023
Day off

Monday, October 16, 2023

Building Drive Games
Ball on a Rope (4)
Gunny Sack (3)
Kong Ball on a Rope (5)

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Retrieving Assistance Tasks
TV Remote (2)
Cell Phone (2)
Water Bottle (1)
Keys (1)
Socks (4)
Nylon Gloves (4)

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Assistance Tasks
Pulling off socks (1)

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Assistance Tasks
Pulling off Tasks (1)

Friday, October 20, 2023

Obedience Middle Skill Game
Get in (4); Sit (5); Down (5); Stand (4); Front (4); Swing (4); Back (5)

Behavior on grooming table (5)
Line brushing undercoat (4)
Handling Paws/Trimming Nails (5)
Handling Ears/Cleaning (5)

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Public Access Skills @ home
Stairs – step up (5); Step down (4)
Under – maintaining down stay under the dining room table (5)
Tuck – maintaining a down position behind my legs (4)
Restroom – maintaining down position until released (5)

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Public Access Visit
Bumgarr’s (5)
New Experiences
Loose lead walking beside an electric shopping cart (3)

Monday, October 23, 2023

Driving Building Games
Ball on a Rope (5)
Gunny Sack Drag (3)

Assistance Tasks
Tennis Ball on Rope:  Pawed, picked up, placed in hand (5)
Wooden Dumbbell:  Pawed, Picked up (3)
Water Bottle, No Interest (1)
Nylon glove – Pawed, picked up (3)
Wallet – Pawed, picked up (3)

Horses (3)
Barked and whined, but maintained a down position in the barn until released.
Good Girl.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Assistance Tasks- Picking up items
TV Remote (3) Investigated, Pawed
Small bulky Cell phone (2) Investigated, Pawed
Large Thin Cell Phone (3) Investigated, Pawed
Tennis Ball on a Rope (4) Investigated, picked up, and brought to handler
Leather Glove (3) Investigated, picked up
Nylon Glove (4) Investigated, picked up, brought back to handler

Pawing Task
Light Switch – Sitting on floor (3) Very Interested, pawed several times

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Assistance Tasks – Picking up items
TV Remote (3) Investigated, pawed
Flip Style Cell Phone (2) Investigated
Large thin Cell Phone (3) Investigated, pawed
Tennis Ball on Rope (5) Investigated, picked up, brought to handler
Leather Glove (3) Investigated, picked up, dropped
Nylon Glove (4) Investigated, picked up, brought to handler
Sock (4) Investigated, picked up, brought to handler

Pawing Task
Light Switch (floor) (3)

Pulling Task
Shaping Pull Command (3)

Public Access Tasks@ home
Stairs – Walk up. Walk down smoothly downstairs with handler at side (5)
Tuck maintained tuck position behind my legs while sitting in the chair (5)
Undermaintained down position under the dining room table (5)
Restroom – maintained down position in the restroom until released (4)

Thursday, October 26, 2023
Happy Birthday, Veda! (24 months old)
No Train

Friday, October 27, 2023

Building Drive Games
Ball on a Rope (5)
Gunny Sack Drag (3)

Obedience Skill Middle Game
Get in (3); Sit (5); Down (5); Stand (4); Front (4); Swing (4); Back (3)

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Pawing Tasks
Touch light (2)
Light switch (2)

Pulling Task
Shaping pull command (3)

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Public Access Visit
Shooting Sports Building, Sundance Fairgrounds

AKC Canine Good Citizen Class
Loose lead walking (4)
Reaction around other dogs (5)

Monday, October 30, 2023

Shaping Fainting Alert
Introduction to “Help” command (4)
Alerting to “Help” Command (4)
DPT/Lap sitting in a chair (5)
DPT/Laying on floor (4) Licking Face (4)

(Shaping Assistance Task)

Turning on the Light Switch on command
Responding to command – “Turn on the Lights(3)
Nosed (4)
Mouthed (4)

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Shaping Alert to Fainting
Alerting to “Help” Command (4)
DPT/Lap, sitting in a chair (5)
DPT/Laying on floor (4) Licking Face (5)

(Shaping Assistance Task)
Turning on the Light Switch on command
Responding to command – “Turn on the Lights(3)
Nosed (4)
Mouthed (4)

Month in Review (October)

Foundation Obedience Skills
German Commands in Parenthesis
Heel (Fuss) (4)
Stay (Blibe) (5)
Down (Palatz) (4)
Come (Hee’re) (4)
Stand (Sh-tay) (4)
Fetch (Brring) (3)
No (Pfui) (5)
Leave it (Lass’es) (4)

Alert and or/response to
Breathing Changes (5)
(NEW)Alert and or response to fainting (4)
Deep Pressure Therapy (4)
Provide a forward momentum, when walking, up inclines, upstairs (4)
Counter Balance – Bracing (4)

Psychiatric Service Dog Tasks
Crowd Control (Cycling) (3)
Block Approaching People Block (4)
Watch my Back (Guard) (4)
Interrupt Crying (5)
Harmful Behaviors (skin picking, hitting, scratching (4)
Deep Pressure Therapy (4)

Mobility and Stability
Assistance to Standing (4)
Brace – assist to help handler off the ground (4)
Loose lead walking with handler using a walker (4)
Loose lead walking with handler using cane (4)
Loose lead walking with electric cart (4)

Warm up obedience skill game
Get in (3), Sit (4), Down (4), Stand (4), Front (4), Swing (4), Heel (4), Back (4)
Swing (4),Around (4)

AKC (CGC) Canine Good Citizen Test Skills
Test 1. Accepting a friendly stranger (5)
Test 2. Sitting politely for petting (4)
Test 3. Appearance and Grooming (4)
Test 4, Out for a walk, (walking on a loose lead) (4)
Test 5. Walking through a crowd (4)
Test 6. Sit and down on command and stay in place (4)
Test 7. Coming when called (4)
Test 8. Reaction to another dog (5)
Test 9. Reaction to distraction (4)
Test 10. Supervised Separation (4)

AKC (CCCA) Community Canine Test Skills
Test 1. Dogs stand, sit, or lie down and wait under control while the handler fills out paperwork, has a snack, visits another person (5)
Test 2. Walks on a loose leash in a natural situation, does not pull (through a crowd) (4)
Test 3. Walks on a loose lead through a crowd (4)
Test 4. Dog walks past distraction dogs present, does not pull (4) (left turn, right, turn, stop, fast and slow pace)
Test 5. Sit and Stay in small groups (5) (3 people, 3 dogs in a group
Test 6. Dog allows a person who is carrying something (backpack, computer bag) to approach and pet it. (4)
Test 7. Leave it: Dog walks by food on the floor (4)
Test 8. Down or sit stay – distance 20 ft. away. The owner walks away with back to the dog, picks up an item (back pack, training bag, clipboard). Places it on the floor, chair or ground and returns to the dog. (4)
Test 9. Recall with distractions present. Handler goes out 20 ft off center and calls the dog. (4)
Test 10. Dog will sit or stand while owner enters/exits a doorway. Owner calls the dog through (4)    

Public Access Test Skills

  1. Training/controlling aids well fitted Martingale or Choke Chain (5)
  2. Leash Tension (4)
  3. Inappropriate Service Dog Conduct – (Whining when stressed) (2)
  4. Working Position (4)
  5. Vehicles (5)
  6. Public Transit (Needs introduced)
  7. Parking lot behavior in businesses (5)
  8. Controlled behavior in businesses (5)
  9. Navigation through a store (4)
  10. Foundation obedience skills (5)
  11. Working with Distractions (4)
  12. Reaction to Distraction (4)
  13. Elevators (Needs Introduced)
  14. Escalator (Needs Introduced)
  15. Stairs (5)
  16. Use of Public Restrooms (5)
  17. Restaurants (Needs Introduced)

Public Access Visits
Bumgarr’s – Spearfish SD (5)
Safeway Grocery – Spearfish SD (5)

Vehicles/public transportation (needs introduced)
Parking lot behavior (5)
Controlled entry into a building (5)
Navigating a store (5)
Strangers (4)
Elevator (needs introduced)
Stairs (4)
Use of public restrooms (5)
Working around other dogs (5)
Restaurant (needs introduced)

Foundation Obedience Skills
Walking on loose lead (4)
Sit (5)
Down (4)
Stand (4)
Stay (5)