AAA Litter

AAA Litter
Lovely bred to Justice
Whelped 10/9/23:  2 sable females, 2 black & tan females, 2 sable males & 1 black & tan male
Background Information
See Dakuya & Addy playing, 5/18/24.

Mr. Orange (now “Booker”) went to SW Wyoming for Search & Rescue.  Miss Green (now “Addie”) went to Sundance to be a service dog and therapy dog and to compete in nosework.  Miss Pink (now “Masie”) and Mr. Blue (“Asher”) went to Colorado to be therapy dogs.  Miss Brown (now “Ellie”) went to Pennsylvania to be a therapy dog.  I kept Miss Yellow (now “Dakuya”) for nosework competition, therapy dog work and hopefully breeding.  Mr. Purple, whom I’ve been calling “Packer” leaves February 3rd for southern Colorado to be a cadaver dog.  He joins half-sister Roxanne (TT litter) and half-brother Ducati (YY litter) on the team.

See the Police/Narcotics Temperament Test ratings.   At the end of the page, temperament test ratings of the AAA litter’s parents and many dogs behind them are listed.
See the Search & Rescue Temperament Test Ratings.

I am extremely grateful to Whelpwise (Perinatal Veterinary Specialties,, a canine pregnancy support group, which helped me get all four pups of Hesed’s litter safely on the ground (VV litter).  Without them, I am convinced – and so are my vets – that Hesed would have lost that litter like she did the litter a year before.  They have since helped save pups in the WW, XX & YY litters.  I have learned amazing things about pregnancy and whelping that I didn’t know, even after 44 years of breeding, so I signed up with them for this litter, too, which is my 6th with them.  I asked them if a lot of people used them for trouble-free litters and they said quite a few, that people appreciated knowing what exactly was going on with the litter and having the expertise available to intervene to save a pup or whole litter that was in trouble.  Many people, after their first experience, call on them for every litter afterwards.  I can believe that, as I have been highly impressed with their expertise and availability at all hours, day and night. 

Packer (Celhaus Allaying Ablaze) at 7 months
the former Mr. Purple
“The county had a big first responder event and Packer got all dressed up for it.”

Packer at 25 weeks
“This is a photo I took when he was being sneaky.  He chewed my son’s Spiderman toy and that was the look he gave me right after I caught him.”

Maisie (Celhaus Aliza Akemi) at 7 months
the former Miss Pink
Name Story:
Aliza is Hebrew for “joyful” and Akemi is Japanese for “bright & beautiful.” David is Jewish and I am half Japanese.
Photos 1-4:  “Maisie hit 61 lbs on May 9th. She’s a sweetheart!”
Photo 5:  “Funny one.  Those ears!!”

Maisie at 25 weeks
“Maisie just turned 6 months and she weighed in at 55 lbs.  I don’t think I mentioned before but she is QUITE the talker! She has something to say about pretty much everything! We are already identifying a lot of her vocalizations to mean very specific things and it cracks us up. The yodeling is especially hilarious. She is very confident and such a happy girl. She takes delight in everything. Her training is going very well – she’s very responsive on leash and stays perfectly at heel on our walks. Weather is warming up and we’re doing more training outside which is great for everyone. More distractions but she’s doing very well to curb her instant excitement at meeting a new or old friend, human or pet. Putting the indoor training into practice.  We’re mixing walks with Koji and also one on one to give her individual attention on training. Since we walk about 5-6 times/day, everyone is getting their steps in!  Maisie knows when it’s not her turn to go for a training walk. When we leave her behind, she’s as quiet as a mouse and sits right at the door until we get back with Koji. She always goes first so when we come home, she knows she has to be patient!  She and Koji (now 1.5 yrs) are the best of friends. He is incredibly tolerant of her and loves to engage her in play. If she looks sad about a toy he has, he will literally give it to her and let her have a turn at it.”

Ellie (Celhaus An Answer to Prayer) at 8 months
the former Miss Brown
“We got our AKC Canine Good Citizen title today!  She is so very smart.  Blessed for sure.”

Ellie at 26 weeks
“Ellie sure does love her flyer!“

Ellie at 20 weeks
“Here is Ellie’s 5-month photo wearing her Star Puppy School medal. She is now 43.8 pounds.  We started pre-novice class and Ellie did great.”

Ellie at 19 weeks
Photos 2-4:  “Thought you would like this.  Ellie likes to help with the laundry.  She sniffs everything, but she leaves it alone.”

Booker (Celhaus Aghen) at 8 months
the former Mr. Orange
Name Story:  Ag’hen means “honored Teacher” and is from Star Trek.
“Uncle” Riker, from the JJ litter., is a Search and Rescue dog and Booker is training to be one.
“Discovering ants don’t want to be friends.”

Booker at 7 months
Photo 1:  “Big boy hike! Exploring the places the ‘big boys’ get to go.”
Photo 2:  “End of a 1/4 mile trail through a sage brush field.”

Booker at 6 months
5/1/24:  “His vet checks have all been stellar. He’s got very solid drives for all the search work we do. I think of all the dogs I’ve trained, he’s got the best drive for trailing. He’s got to trail everyone. Absolutely loves it. And he’s very methodical and diligent in following the scent. Puppies are usually very distracted at a young age, but not him. He does a really good job working through new things to figure out where the trail goes.  He is excelling at cadaver too, again very methodical for a pup his age. It’s going to be really fun to see how he develops.  This weekend we are making a quick trip to Moab. Booker’s first camping trip and experience in the desert. I’m taking the good phone down, should have some more photos of that for you within a week.” 
Photo 1:  “Booker got to go with me on a short trip to the “big city” of Idaho Falls. Lot of new experiences for him, shopping plazas, urban neighborhoods, and lots and lots of traffic. He wasn’t too sure about it, but handled it like a champ.”
Photo 2:  “Booker’s favorite place is Riker’s bed.”
Photos 3-4: “Playing in the sun on a spring day.”
Photo 5:  “Playing hard with the team puppies after a good training. The black lab is a week older than Booker and the yellow lab is about a month older. Just happy chance that 3 group members started puppies at the same time.”
Photo 6:  “Booker’s tracks are always easy to see. He hasn’t grown into his tail yet so his trail is pretty distinctive.” 
Photo 7:  “New toy.  RRAAAHHWWRRR!!”
Photo 8:  “Working a Cadaver problem. Booker’s alert is a sit at source. Here he is being asked to pinpoint the source for my teammate. Each time he is asked, he points to it with his nose and gets a treat reward. In a few more months we will start transitioning him to a tug reward. He’s not ready for that, still likes his treats.” 
Photos 9-10:  “It’s important to work puppies in as many different locations and terrain as possible, especially early on. Gives them practice working through distractions as well as making the game “universal.” Here, Booker is working through an old rubble pile looking for Cadaver. He did really well for his first time in this type of terrain. Very methodical and deliberate as he moved through, but not too distracted from doing his job.”
Photo 11:  “Still very much a puppy.”
Photo 12:  “Starting a trail in Bozeman. First experience working though a pasture with horse poo everywhere…. That was entertaining. He’s very insistent on carefully finding the exact path the person walked. He trails like a bloodhound in that way.” 
Photos 13-14:  “The Wubba is his favorite toy.”
Photo 15-16:  “Riker and Booker out in the snow.” 
Photo 17: “Puppies up to no good…”

Asher (Celhaus Always Love & Justice of Eagle Vista) at 8 months
the former Mr. Blue
Name Story:  Asher is Hebrew for “happiness.”
Asher joined Radik from the RR litter.
Photo 1:   “Asher didn’t eat his Romaine lettuce, yet, as he decided to take a little ‘after supper’ nap.”
Photo 2:  “I took Asher to a dog show today at the fairgrounds.  He did great as a spectator.  A mid-sized poodle charged him when we were outside and he barked at it.  So we turned around and walked the other way, and that was his only incident of barking other than when he first got out of the car.”
Photo 3:  “And then there is curious Asher deciding if he wants to eat the grass.”
Photo 4:  “Asher (right) and Radik, 5 years old (left)”

Asher at 7 months
Photo 1:  “Asher this morning. I wanted you to see the gorgeous red behind his ears.”
Photo 2:  “I took this picture standing above him on the road.”
Photo 3:  “Asher the rock climber.”
Photo 4:  “Size comparison.  They are both holding the same stick.”

Asher at 6 months
Photo 1: “Asher’s first solo encounter with an elk.  He did real well…braked at first then just watched and sniffed.  The elk didn’t seem bothered by him!”
Photo 2:  “Hilda is teaching the young’un to watch the territory and bark occasionally – just in case there is something out there.”
Photos 3-4:  “Asher loves this jolly ball (Radik shares it with him.  I love how we can see his open mouth!)”
Photos 5-6:  “Asher still fits, as of this morning, in this culvert that goes under the road. Radik, watching him, had a look on his face that said, ‘Don’t get stuck!’”
Photos 7-8: “Size comparison”

Asher at 26 weeks
Photo 1:  “I was watching Dr. Pol (veterinarian) and Asher was also watching when the puppies appeared.”
Photos 2-5:  “
We were doing our morning walk…they were hunting “something”…not sure
what it was.  Good noses though!

Photo 6:  “Asher surveying his territory tonight.”


Addy (Celhaus Angel of Faith) at 6 months
the former Miss Green
Addy joins Jamboree from the JJ litter (her aunt).
4/30/24:  “So proud of Addy tonight.  She was my demo dog for a beginning obedience class.  A husband and wife are taking class and sharing their working spot, so he was thrilled to work Addy while is wife handle their dog.  He liked Addy so well that I didn’t know if I was going to get my dog back.”
4/10/24:  “Addy is definitely a keeper.  Tremendous drive and workability.  I can’t believe she is 6 months old already.  I’ve been mainly letting her enjoy being a puppy.  We just started nosework this past week.”
Photo 1:  “Fun weekend practicing nosework with Addy.”
Photos 2-3:  “What do you mean I’m getting too big to be picked up?”
Photo 4:  “There isn’t anything too big to carry. ”
Photo 5:  “Nosework.  Not a very good photo.  I wish her nose was in the scent portal, but my phone is too slow taking pictures.  She is picking up the sit indication nicely, though.”

Dakuya (Celhaus Always Give Thanks) at 6 months

the former Miss Yellow, whom I kept
See Dakuya’s page
Name Story:  Dakuya (pronounced “DAK yuh”, with the accent on the first syllable), is the Ukrainian word for thanks.  In February our parish began adopting Ukrainian refugees.  Our refugees’ gratitude for being safe, and able to sleep all night without the fear of Russian bombs hitting their homes, has made me more grateful for all the blessings of living in this country.  Their calm focus on rebuilding their lives here, despite having left everything except what they could carry in one suitcase, has sure made me examine the little things that I whine about.  All this inspired me to give a name to my new pup that will remind me to be grateful for all blessings, and to LOOK for them.

We had a great time at morning playtime on April 25th. A nice day, finally, let me go without gloves and a warm hat, so I grabbed my camera and took photos of Dakaya and the three other pups.

See all of Dakuya’s playtime photos from 4/25/24
See Pascha’s playtime photo from 4/25/24
See Zeal’s playtime photo from 4/25/24
See Zest’s playtime photo from 4/25/24