ZZ litter, whelped June 16th
Mercy bred to Justice
1 sable female, 3 black & tan females, 1 sable male & 2 black & tan males
Mr. Yellow (now “Raptor”) went to Montana for Search & Rescue. Miss Green (now “Breeze”) went to Colorado to be a therapy dog and compete in obedience. Miss Pink (now “Zinnia”) went to SW Wyoming for nosework competition. Mr. Blue went to Colorado for obedience, rally and nosework competition. Mr. Red (“Zoom”) went to Colorado for Search & Rescue. I kept Miss White (now “Zest”) and Miss Gold (now “Zeal”) for nosework competition, therapy dog work and hopefully breeding.
background information
See the ZZ litter’s Police/Narcotic temperament test results
See the ZZ litter’s Search & Rescue test results
See Zest’s page.
See Zeal’s page
Raptor (Celhaus Zephyr’s Raptor) at 11 months
the former Mr. Yellow, Raptor is in training for Search & Rescue.
Photo 1: “Raptor at water training today, and his second kayak adventure. The first was an hour earlier and was full of noise, chaos and a fall overboard. This photo gives a rather false impression. He had a very exhausting and fun day.”
Photo 2: “Resting between training turns.”
Photos 3-4: “Hanging out in Home Depot, working on distractions.”
Photo 5: “Raptor waiting for his turn to do some trails.”
Photos 6-7: “Raptor and his buddy, Chipper, who spent a week with us. What a great time they had together! I was super pleased to see them work and play together.”
Raptor at 10 months
Photo 1: “Good morning from Raptor, 6 months old. Long nose because he likes to be in everyone else’s business? NO, it’s probably just the angle.”
Photo 2: “Raptor practicing his down stay while we were loading up an empty bear trap. Big day for him – crossed a belly-deep creek many times by himself!”
Photos 3 & 8: “The same subject whom Raptor found in his tracking work too these photos. Photo 8 was in October; Photo 3 in June.”
Photo 4: “This is the rest of his down stay.”
Photo 5: “Raptor attending a Statewide Coroner training in Billings. His first hotel experience – 2 nights. Excellent behavior walking around and in his short classroom behavior. Tougher time with all the motel noises in the evening. I’m proud of how he is handling these new events!”
Photos 6-7: “Raptor at today’s Search & Rescue training – great day!!”
Raptor at 9 months
3/18/24: “I’m so inspired! Raptor and I just went to a one-on-one adolescent working training session with a woman I’ve known for years. She has done my CGC tests, and has loved my dogs. She LOVES Raptor, and he had a blast. She does a lot of training with a lot of people and said that he is the whole package of what a working GSD should be. (In her mind , which of course I agree). Great confirmation, excellent temperament, tries very hard to get things right, and loves to learn. Not to mention how handsome he is. He was so receptive to her and all the things she was doing. Big outdoor arena, no leash, lots of fun things. She spent lots of extra time with us because she was having so much fun with him, and he was way into it. I was very proud. He did great with all the foundational things we work on, so that was good. She gave me some good reminders about meeting his busy needs in a constructive manner- good points. I’m even more excited about our future! ❤️”
Photo 1: “Birthday hike with my boy!”
Photo 2: “Raptor and Booker (from the AAA litter) of their own choice while we were trying to move the crate.”
Raptor at 8 months
“Raptor is still way into always having things in his mouth, but not really destructive unless it’s tissue or paper. Loves to watch the toilet flush. And he has started grabbing pant legs and boots again just for fun. I think he was bored and annoyed with his restrictions due to his healing toenail, which seems to be all good now. I’m really loving this boy. He has a huge personality and we are starting to meld together really nicely.”
Photos 1-3: “Raptor weighs 66 pounds now. Had another trip to the vet for a torn toenail, which I’m sure was very painful, although it didn’t seem to slow him down. Wearing the cone at night was a hard adjustment, tough, but we need it to heal without his help. Poor guy. He has been loose at night for a month or so now. He actually is pretty good. He doesn’t chew things up (so far!), but carries things around and usually brings them to me – shoes, socks, gloves, anything we touch. He does shred tissues, toilet paper, newspapers, paper towels, etc., though. Makes a mess.”
Photo 3: “He doesn’t seem too upset.”
Photo 4: “Helping with early spring yardwork. I’m so pleased we have moved into ball chasing vs. “attack the rake, snow shovel, etc.” phase, perhaps. He’s growing up. Had a great day at SAR training yesterday!! Things are coming together. Of course, as the snow is melting I’m finding chewed-up drip lines, shredded tree savers, pieces of things I haven’t even found the source of yet. Sigh.”
Photos 5-6: Booker and Raptor. Raptor is bigger for now, but Booker will undoubtedly catch up. We couldn’t get them to sit or stand still for a “half-brothers” photo though.
Raptor at 34 weeks
“Raptor is still way into always having things in his mouth, but not really destructive unless it’s tissue or paper. Loves to watch the toilet flush. And he has started grabbing pant legs and boots again just for fun. I think he was bored and annoyed with his restrictions due to his healing toenail, which seems to be all good now. I’m really loving this boy. He has a huge personality and we are starting to meld together really nicely.”
Photo 1: “Raptor on today’s 4-mile hike.”
Raptor 2: “Could you turn on the vacuum again? It’s almost as much fun as the treadmill.”
Breeze (Celhaus Zephyr in Summer) at 1 year
the former Miss Green
She joined Charis (JJ litter)
“It’s hard to believe our baby girl is a year old already. She’s such a pretty little thing – & I do mean little. I wonder if she will ever reach even 55 pounds! That said, she’s so pretty. She has kept her white ear tufts, her little brown eyebrows, & the grey “bandana” under her chin. We get lots of compliments on her beauty. She has the most endearing habit of giving us a little kiss when she walks by us. And she still has her happy, happy tail. I’m counting the days until I get out of this neck brace & can start seriously training! I took a couple of photos on my phone yesterday. I’ll send those along to you. I dearly wish I had more interesting photos & news to send! Until my neck is healed, I am the most boring person in the world. Hugs, & thanks for both of my precious dogs!”
Breeze at 11 months
Photos 1-2: “Watching, with a twist.”
Photo 3: “Still at it with the ball.”
Breeze at 10 months
“I love the way she stacked herself.”
Zinnia (Celhaus Zinnia Elegans) at 11 months
the former Miss Pink
Zinnia joined Ursa from the UU litter, who is also a Mercy son, so he’s her half-brother.
Photo 1: “Zinnia entered her fist trial at 48 weeks old. She was not quite successful in the interior searches on Saturday, but had fun sniffing the carpet for two minutes. On Sunday at the M&M Ice Rink, she did find success in both Container searches. Despite getting a box stuck on her back foot in the first run, she found the hides and earned her fist title in Novice Containers.”
Photo 2: “Zinnia was an assistant to put a fence around our garden to protect it from the deer. She was not much help setting posts, but made sure the tools and snacks did not wander off.”
Zinnia at 9 months
Photo 1: “I took Zinnia with me to Dubois.”
Photo 2: “National Puppy Day: Zinnia takes a rare moment of stillness to show her new pedicure.”
Zinnia at 8 months
(9/10/23): We helped put on the WYO 131 Gravel Grinder last weekend. Zinnia worked her first bike race aid station, Ursa met a Mythical Creature, and the both played non-stop. Attached is the latest photo for you. We practice informal down stays while we eat, and last weekend we had a little cuddle fest happening that I was able to capture. Hugs to all.”
Zion (Celhaus Zooming Zion) at 1 year
the former Mr. Red (whom I called Zoom)
Zion joined Hamish from the HH litter.
Photo 1: “Zion in a rare quiet moment, just finished having a birthday chew treat. The only way to get a shot of his face is to have him in his crate. Zoom is his nature for sure!”
Photo 2: “Zion after a play session, brushing and nail trim on his one-year-old birthday. Hamish says HE is the handsomest, though.”
Photo 3: “Always packing a ball.”
Zion at 10 months
Photo 1: “Got your mailing and let both boys sniff the contents before pulling them out. Zion really got big and sniffed all over, Hamish not quite as much. I finally got a snap that was not too super blurry. JollyPets makes a soccer ball for dogs that lasted more than a half hour of hard GSD play. Between first Hamish and then Zion, the ball has only one small puncture. Soft enough for Hamish to “taco” it, but durable enough that Zion jaws and his razor teeth have not destroyed it. Would not leave it alone with him but….”
Photo 2: “Sorting Hat or Dunce Cap? And, no, he’s not in trouble. I use the cone for rehab exercises and just put it up out of the way, but he was sitting so nicely under it that I had to take a photo.”
Zion at 8 months
“Walks with big brother, Hamish (HH litter)“
Zach (Celhaus Zeppelin’s High Flyer) at 34 weeks
the former Mr. Blue
“Zachary went to visit Radik (from the RR litter) today. Terri and I talked and had a fun 1.5 hrs. while the dogs ran in the river and snow at Teri’s ranch. He finally is taking a nap. Radik and Zachary are fast friends. They are the same size so hope Zach doesn’t grow any more.”
Photo 2: “Zach meeting two horses.”
Photo 3: “Zach on the left and Radik on the right.”
Zest (Celhaus Zest for Life) at 10 months
the former Miss White
Zest at morning playtime on 4/27/24
See all of Zest’s playtime photos.
See Zest’s page.
Zeal (Celhaus Zeal for Justice) at 10 months
the former Miss Gold
Zeal at morning playtime on 4/27/24
See all of Zeal’s playtime photos
See Zeal’s page.