Veda’s Service Dog Training Log Page 24 November 2023

Service Dog Training Log for “Veda”
Celhaus Vivacious
the former Miss Purple from the
VV litter.

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Page 24:  November 2023

 Service Puppy Daily Training Log Ratings
(5) Excellent
(4-3) Good
(2-1) Needs Improvement

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Shaping Fainting Alert
Alerting to Help Command (4)
DPT/Lap, sitting in a chair (4) Licking Face (5)

(Shaping Assistance Task)
Turning on the Light Switch on Command
Responding to the command “Turn on the Lights” (3)
Nosed (4)
Mouthed (4)

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Shaping Fainting Alert
Alerting to ‘Help” Command (4)
DPT/Laying on Floor (3) Licking on Face (5)

(Shaping Assistance Task)
Turning on the Light Switch on Command
Response to Command Turn on the Lights(3)
Nosed (4)
Mouthed (4)

Friday, November 3, 2023

Shaping Fainting Alert
Alert to “Help” Command (4)
DPT, Falling on Floor (3)
Licking face (5)

(Shaping Assistance Task)
Turning on the Light Switch on Command
Response to Command  “Turn on the Lights” (3)
Nosed (4)
Mouthed (4)

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Shaping Fainting Alert
Alert to “Help Command (4)
DPT, Falling to the floor (3)
Licking Face (5)

(Shaping Assistance Task)
Turning on the Light Switch on Command
Response to command  – “Turn on the Lights ” (3)
Nosed (4)
Mouthed (4)

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Public Access Visit
Shooting Sports Building, Sundance Fairgrounds

Canine Good Citizen Test Skills/handled by 4-H Youth
Test 1. Meeting a Friendly Stranger (5)
Test 2. Sitting Politely for Petting (5)

Obedience Foundation Skills
Loose Lead Walking (4)

Monday, November 6, 2023

Shaping Fainting Alert
Dropped Help Command (4)
DPT/Chair (4)
DPT/Floor (4)
DPT/Falling to Floor (4)

(Shaping Assistance Task)
Turning on the Light Switch
Responding to command
“Turn on lights” (4)

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Shaping Fainting Alert
Dropped Help Command (4)
DPT/Chair (4)
DPT/Floor (4)
DPT/Falling to Floor (4)

(Shaping Assistance Task)
Turning on the Light Switch
Responding to command
“Turn on Lights (4)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Shaping Fainting Alert
Dropped Help Command (4)
DPT/Chair (4)
DPT/Floor (4)
DP/Falling to Floor (4)

(Shaping Assistance Task)
Turning on the Light Switch
Responding to the Command
“Turn on Lights” (4)

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Shaping Fainting Alert
DPT/Chair (4)
DPT/Lap/Floor (4)
DPT/ Falling to Floor (4)

(Shaping Assistance Task)
Turning on the Light Switch
Responding to the command
“Turn on the lights” (4)

Friday, November 10, 2023

Shaping Fainting Alert

Dropped Help command (4)
DPT/Lap/Chair (4)
DPT/Lap/Floor (4)
DPT/Lap/Falling to Floor (4)

(Shaping Assistance Task)
Turning on the Light Switch
Responding to the command (4)
“Turn on Lights

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Shaping Fainting Alert
DPT/Chair (4)
DPT/Floor/Lap (4)
DPT/Falling to floor (4)

(Shaping Assistance Task)
Turning on the Light Switch
Responding to the command (4)
“Turn on Lights (4)

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Public Access Visit
Bumgarr’s – Spearfish S.D (4)

Public Access Skills
Approaching building (5)
Building entry (5)
Navigating a building (4)
Sit on command (4)
Response to Noise (4)
Restaurant manners – Needs Introduced
Leash Control (4)
Loose lead walking beside electric shopping cart (4)
Meet and Greet with Placement Family (5)
Building egress (4)
Unloading and loading into the vehicle (5)

Monday, November 13, 2023

Fainting Alert (Standing)
Response to Fall (4)
Alert Response
DPT (4)
Licking Face (4)

Faster Response/Obedience Skills/Working Position Against Wall
Sit (Siits) (5), Down (Palatz) (3)

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Fainting Alert (Standing)

Response to fall (4)
Alert Response
DPT (4)
Licking Face (4)

(New) (Shaping) Service Dog Anxiety Alert Response
Hand Wringing  (3)

Faster Response Foundation Obedience Skills/Working Position/Against wall
Sit (Siits) (4), Down (Palatz) (4)  

Public Access Test Skills @ home
Under – Maintaining Down Stay under the Dining Room Table (4)
Tuck – Maintaining Down Position behind Legs while the handler is sitting (4)   

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Fainting Alert (Standing)
Response to Fall (4)
Alert Response
DPT (4)
Licking Face (4)

Shaping Service Dog Anxiety Alert Response
Hand Wringing
Alert Response
Nose Nudge (3)

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Fainting Alert
Response to Fall (5)
Alert Response
DPT (5)
Licking Face (5)

Hand Wringing
Alert Response
Nose Nudge (4)

Friday, November 17, 2023

Placed as a Medical Alert Service Dog (Pots and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)