
Cantor (Cantor vom Wenner Haus at Celhaus PTN, PTA, PTS, PTM, PTE, SI, AE, NC, ATD, THDN, CGC, NAC) 

3/24/16 – 7/15/24

Cantor came to Celhaus on 9/5/16 at 5 months of age

see Cantor at 4 years 7 months
see Cantor at 3 years 11 months (3/12/20)
See Cantor at 5 years 7 months, playing with puppy Justice

Cantor, 18 months old, received his Canine Good Citizen title in September 2017

NADAC Agility titles:  NAC (Novice Regular)  

UKC Nosework titles:  PTN, PTA, PTS, PTM, PTE, SI, AE, NC
see Cantor at our May 2019 nosework seminar and at our October 2019 nosework trial

OFA GOOD hips:   GS-99355G24M-VPI
PennHip at 1 year:  .37 left; .42 right
(PennHip no longer gives percentile ratings unless they’re in their excellent range, which is below .30)

OFA Elbows:  GS-EL37972M24-VPI
OFA Cardiac:  GS-CA1790-18M/P-VPI
OFA Thyroid:  GS-TH830/33M-VPI
OFA Eyes:  GS-EYE525/26M-VPI
OFA DM (spinal myelopathy) free:  GS-DM7517/18M-PI
free of bleeding disorders (vonWillebrand’s and hemophilia) and EPI

Cantor carried the long coat recessive.  He produced two long coats.  And, of course, he gave the black recessive to all his pups.  To all his pups he gave very high intelligence, super drives, sweet personalities and gorgeous structure.


Cantor was a therapy dog, certified by Alliance of Therapy Dogs, and had his AKC Therapy Dog Novice (THDN) title, which requires 10 verified therapy dog visits. 
He was working on his AKC Therapy Dog title (THD) which requires 50 verified therapy dog visits, when Covid hit and closed down all the nursing homes.  I didn’t renew his therapy dog certification when the nursing homes reopened to visitors because he just didn’t want to stay quiet long enough for good visits with the residents. 

Cantor LOVED agility and did extremely well in training.  For instance, he learned the weaves in 6 sessions, including being consistent in finding the entrance to the set of 12 weaves from all angles and at great distances, no matter where I happen to be positioned, which is unheard of.  We showed a few times and he showed a great desire to be a distance dog and received lots of compliments, but I had to quit doing agility because my feet got bad.

He competed in Nosework for a while, obtaining his Superior Interiors, Advanced Exteriors and Novice Containers titles, but when we had to quit agility, he decided nosework was boring and began refusing to indicate the hides in trials, so we quit that, too, though we continued training for fun.

Info on Canto’s Parents/Grandparents from his breeder:

Sire:  UCH SG Buzz vom Gildaf IPO2 AD CGC HIC
OFA EXCELLENT, normal elbows, DM clear, CERF normal

Buzz is best described by his owner and breeder, Melinda Clark…

“Buzz is a dark sable male with a lot of substance. He has a huge, masculine head and a lot of bone. He’s fit, athletic and 100% health cleared. Buzz is 100% stable. I can take him anywhere. He goes to parades with me, loves kids, good with dogs.  His versatility is endless. I’ve only just begun with him. He is naturally protective of his family. He is extremely driven, loves to work and full of enthusiasm. At home, he has a nice off switch and settles easily.

Buzz is a high drive male. His tracking nose is excellent. His protection work is fast and confident. He hits hard and is serious. His obedience is biddable and very clean. Buzz has an excellent temperament. Buzz has nearly 20 progeny actively working and certifying in Search and Rescue. (one of those puppies is from the Vom Winner Haus A Litter, Laser)

In the August 2009, Buzz made his UKC Conformation debut. His Championship came very easily to him. In one weekend, he earned 4 Best Puppy, 4 Winners Male, 4 Best of Breed, 1 Group 4 Win and 1 Group 1 Win! On February 13, 2010, he earned his last 20 points needed for his UCH.

On May 15, 2010, Buzz made his debut in the German Breed ring. He was being shown for his Breed rating and earned an SG3. We are VERY proud that not only did Buzz earn his SG (Very Good) rating, but that he placed 3rd with his SG as well. He goes SG EVERY TIME he’s shown.

Buzz’s progeny are being trained and performing well in Search and Rescue, Flyball, Obedience, Schutzhund and more….

“a1” normal, normal elbows, DM Clear, CERF normal, CHIC

Linea is a beautiful bi color female with rich pigment and is the granddaughter of Melissa’s great male, Jaryn “Logan” von der Dornburg.  She is clear headed and has an amazing personality and temperament; she gets along with everyone she meets whether they have 2 legs or 4. Linea is very athletic and built to work just like grandfather and very eager to learn and please. She is a powerhouse when it comes to nosework!  She is happy worker and loves working with me no matter what it is.  She loves to jump and does so with ease. Linea, like all my dogs, competes in a wide variety of venues including: Schutzhund, AKC/UKC obedience and rally, conformation, weight pulling, herding, nosework, barnhunt, lure cursing and whatever else we can find. Plus she is a working Therapy Dog.  She is the total package.

Some of Linea’s Accomplishments :
UKC Grand Champion
UKC Best of Breed x7
UKC Group 3 x2
UKC Group 4 x2
IABCA Best of Breed x3
IABCA Group 3
High In Trial (AKC) x2
High Combined In Rally (AKC) x3
High in Trial Rally (UKC)
High in Trial Barnhunt Novice (BHA)
2013 #10 in Beginner Novice GSDCA
2015 GSDCA National High in Trial
2015 GSDCA National Elite Award
2015 UKC Obedience All Stars-Novice

Linea’s grandsire (dam’s side) is Int. CH, UCH, UCD OB1 Jaryn “Logan” von der Dornburg SchH 1, TR 2, AD, CDX, TD, Can. CD, RE, RL1, OV, TDI, CGC, has a truly amazing pedigree just check out his page for complete details.  Logan is the son of V Rocky von den Zinglegärten SchH3 IP3, FH1 Kkl1’a’ who has competed well at the world level as well as many of his offspring. Rocky has competed at the WUSV for Germany, and at the Bundessieger, placing third in 2001and tenth in 2000! Rocky is described as a friendly and out-going dog in person and he shows wonderful concentration in his work. He is known for producing mentally stable progeny. Logan’s dam, Isa von der Kinzigau SchH3 Kkl1’a’, is best described by her owner, Laurie Tollifson, “Isa is a little power house. Wild as a March hare yet as intense as a hawk. She has a strong work ethic, balanced drives and a fun-loving personality. Also, extreme trainability and hits like a Mack truck.” Isa earned her SchH 3 at 24 months and took SG1 at the 2001 South Central Regional Conformation Show. Logan’s pedigree consists of many world and national competitors- 3 WUSV participants, 11 BSP participants with 1 Sieger and 9 with V scores! and 3 LGA participants…

Linea’s dam is SG Valley von Holtgrew SchH 1 Kkl1. She is a Logan daughter and has a super temperament. When she was in Germany being trained and titled she would work with anyone and was one of their favorites.

Linea’s sire is V14 ’11 Gordon vom Fuchsgraben SCHH3 IPO3 FH2 Kkl1 and is best described by his owner, Kris Taylor, “Gordon is an exceptionally powerfully built dog.  He has superb explosive muscle tone with a very easy gait and has an extreme pigmentation that is second to none with working line dogs.  He carries these traits with many of his offspring as he reproduces himself very well. He is amazingly well balanced in his drives, temperament and nerves.  Gordon is a top sport level competition dog currently still competing nationally and will continue to compete in the conformation ring at the highest levels.  His character is magnificent which makes him the picture perfect family dog. Gordon is completely neutral to other dogs showing zero aggression to other dogs, cats or any other animals. He is wonderful with small children and anyone acting in a normal fashion.  Try to break into his house or approach a vehicle he is occupying and he would trigger every natural fear in a human nervous system.  He is not a dog any stranger could just walk off with.”

Linea’s grandsire (sire side) is V KK1 Vito vom Waldwinkel SCH3. Many think that Vito vom Waldwinkel to be the best son of WUSV Sieger Tom van’t Leefdaalhof, producing dogs to the BSP and WUSV. Vito is known for producing strong working ability, as exhibited by his progeny at the top level of the sport in the present time. This is exemplified by the strong working kennels in Europe that bred to him and dogs that are on the competition field.

Linea is linebred on 1989 WUSV SIEGER Fado von Karthago SCHH3 FH IP3 on both the sire and dam’s side. Fado von Karthago SCHH3 FH IP3 Kkl1 won the WUSV in 1989 and 2nd Place in 1990!

 Info on the other Cantor grandsire from his owner:

Paternal Grandsire:  V Puck vom Grafental SchH3 AD
“a” normal, HDZW = 74, normal thyroid, DM clear

Puck is one of the few 100% DDR dogs in the USA to attain a V rating in conformation in West Germany.  Puck is a grandson of two great DDR sires, V Larry vom Wolfseck and V Murphy vom Schwarzhorn and continued their legacy of 100% DDR lines that are known to give exceptional working ability, structure, bone and pigment.  Others of the greatest DDR dogs of all time also appear in his pedigree.  Paternal side includes:  V Larry vom Wolfseck, Ingo vom Rudigen, Held vom Ritterberg, Hassan vd Hassllelweisen, Pushkass vom haus Himple.  Maternal (bottom) side includes:  Muchta vom Schwarzhorn (littermate to Murphy vom Schwarzhorn), Don vom haus Iris, Alf vom Kornersee, Xito vom Barutherland and Condoe vom Marderphal.  He is linebred on Don vom Rolandsteich (5 – 5).

A translation of Puck’s Koer Report states:  Absolute middlesize, middle strong, contentful, strong head, nice expression, harmonious structure, emphasize stress structure firmness, correct front, pronounced wither, correct sufficient long croup, correct angulation shoulder blade, somewhat steep upper arm, good angulated rear, free movement with powerful strong supplies.  Drive, self sureness and strainless pronounced, does out.

Constance Krebs (Hesed’s breeder and owner of Puck) told me this about Puck:  “He passed away at almost 14 years of age back in October (2015)…very sad day.  Anyway, he was world renowned.  He was a gorgeous GSD.  He was old DDR in type, not over the top in drive, but certainly held his own in the work.  He produced better than he was.  He had nerves of steel and a very stable temperament.  I never replaced a pup from him…   He was known for producing good bones and joints… was DM clear/clear.  Several pups went to different varieties of working homes.”