GloryToo Puppies

GloryToo’s Puppies’ Photos
See Lovely and Hopeful training in nosework, August – September 2024
LL Litter:  GloryToo bred to Quasi
whelped 3/16/16
Mr. Gold went to Idaho for Search and Rescue, obedience, tracking & agility competition.  Mr. Red went to Missouri for obedience, tracking, barn hunt and rally competition.  Miss Rainbow went to a biologist in Alaska to search out wolverine lairs and bat nests for research. Miss Pink went to Montana as a pet and Mr. Green stayed in Sheridan as a pet.  Mr. White went to Yellowstone Park as a family pet and Search & Rescue dog, though they haven’t pursued SAR training due to family obligations.  Mr. Blue went to Casper as a pet and therapy dog.  
I kept Miss Orange (“Lovely”, see her page.)
LL Litter background information
LL litter pedigree
LL litter temperament test
I’ve never had anyone name one of my pups “Otto” but for some strange reason we now have TWO pups in the LL litter whose call names are “Otto”. At least one is a sable and one is a bicolor so we can easily tell them apart.
NN & SS Litters
GloryToo bred to Cantor
The NN litter was whelped 12/17/17
NN Litter background
The NN litter temperament test results were used for the illustrated police/narcotics temperament test and the illustrated Search & Rescue test pages.
Mr. Blue (Lando) went to Colorado to be an avalanche dog at a ski resort.  Mr. White (Lucien) went to Santa Fe, NM for Search & Rescue. Miss Yellow (Sophie) went to Montana to do agility and nosework. Mr. Green (Credo) and Mr. Red (Willy) went to Colorado as pets, though Mr. Green will hopefully do nosework and tracking. Mr. Red is the third dog of mine for his family. Miss Purple (Freda) went to California as a pet, the second dog her people have gotten from me. Miss Pink (Noir) went to California as a pet. Mr. Brown (Axel) went to Gillette, WY, about 100 miles east of here.
The SS Litter was whelped 4/30/20.
SS litter background information
Police/Narcotics temperament test results
Search & Rescue test results
Mr. Blue (Stetson) went to Billings to compete in obedience, rally, nosework and barn hunt and to get Canine Good citizen titles.  His new owner was so impressed that she is now considering herding, too.  Miss White (Hildy) stayed here in Sheridan and will be a therapy dog working with the nursing home residents.  Miss Green (Hazel) also stayed here in Sheridan and will be a companion and fishing buddy.  Miss Pink (Scully) went to Seattle where she will be a therapy dog in children’s hospitals and also train for cadaver work (Search & Rescue).  Miss Purple (Ava) went to Wisconsin to compete in obedience and possibly Schutzhund. Ava joins Rudi, from the RR litter
I kept Miss Yellow, who is now “Hopeful.”  She was a breeding prospect until she developed allergies.  She is competing in nosework, and is a therapy dog.  Her registered name is “Celhaus Song of Hope in Hard Times”.  That was inspired by the many, many comments I got from people who said following the litter diary on my website and enjoying their photos had lifted them up during the early, dark days of the pandemic shut-down.  

See Hopeful’s page.
See Hopeful at 3 years

Willys (Celhaus Nineteen Forty-One) at 6 years
“We are so grateful to you for this big hunk of love.  He is a best friend to each and every member of our family.  Happy Birthday to Willy and thank you so much, Grandma, for giving him to us!”

Gus (Celhaus LeBeau Gustavason) at 8 years 1 month
Press Release:  “It’s National Volunteer Week, and our volunteers here at Banner Wyoming Medical Center are the best!  Learn more about Julie Morton and Gus who have been volunteering at Banner Wyoming Medical Center for about five years.
Julie Morton and Gus have been volunteering for the hospital Therapy Dog Program at Banner Wyoming Medical Center since 2019. In addition to volunteering at the hospital, Julie works full time for a mechanical and electrical engineering firm. Her free time is spent walking/hiking with her two dogs, practicing dog agility, teaching them new tricks and volunteering on weekends to help train service dogs for veterans at Project Kenny.
Gus, a certified therapy dog, is now 8 years old. When he was just a pup, he was diagnosed with the lifelong illness of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI).  Currently, it continues to be well managed, and he is a happy, easygoing gentle soul who loves to hang out with his family.
“Gus and I enjoy visiting with staff, patients and visitors in hopes of lifting spirits, brightening someone’s day, or just to provide a good ol’ relaxing pet of a dog to make a person feel better. We love to give people a brief moment of relief from a difficult journey they may be going through. For Gus, the ear scratches and back rubs keep him coming back for more!”
Thank you for all you do for our patients and community, Julie and Gus!”

Gus, 8 years old, with “brother” Brodie, (from the YY litter), 1 year old

Gus at 7 years 8 months with Brodie, 8 months
“Here are Gus and Brodie (at window), waiting for mom and dad.”

Gus at 7 years 3 months with Brodie, 5 months
“Here are Gus and Brodie (at window), waiting for mom and dad.”

Gus at 7 years 4 months with Brodie, 13 weeks

Lucien (Celhaus Niall Lucien Stieber) at 6 years
“Thanks, for the birthday wishes, Grandma!  With love and big, sloppy kisses, Lucien.”

Sofie (Celhaus Nightingale’s Song) at 5 years 8 months
“My kids flew me (home) to Sweden for a month-long stay.  Sophie got to stay in a highly-recommended kennel where, I’m told, she enjoyed herself very much.  She got to run and play with a variety of other dogs, ran perimeter checks and generally enjoyed her stay.  After a month, our reunion was, frankly, cataclysmic!! My watch was sure I had fallen, and there was hair everywhere.   In a massive understatement, the kennel owner said she might need some brushing.  I guess!  I really enjoyed my time in Sweden, but I was glad to get home.  The first photo was shortly after we returned home.”
1/11/24:  “I can’t believe that Sophie is 6 years old!  She hasn’t slowed down at all.  She is a mischief-maker and gets a twinkle in her eye when she thinks she’s putting something over!  She has just a little gray on her bottom lip that reminds me of the passage of time.  Other than that, she’s a happy, active dog who I could not love and enjoy more.”

Lando (Celhaus Naboo Pirate) at 6 years 2 months
Lando was an avalanche dog until dad took a different job and moved to town.
“It’s been way too long.  I’m sorry.  I think of you and all the GSDs all the time.  Lando and I put on one of the best C-RAD winter courses at Snowmass last winter.  Proud of our boy!  Even more proud of how great Lando is with Maggie (born 9/12/23).  He found a new hobby.  He lets us know she is awake before she wakes up.  Love from Lando, Jake, Lauren and new edition Maggie Rey!”

Credo (Celhaus Nanawatai Gloriouz Credo of Cantor) at 6 years 4 months
Name Story: Nanawatai is “traditionally used to refer to a request for sanctuary, whereby the host must be willing to fight or die for the sake of anyone who comes knocking at his door seeking refuge, even if it is a sworn enemy.” The Z in Gloriouz is a nod to the older brother he never got to meet, my Zeus.

Photos 1-3:  “I snapped a few photos of Credo this morning before his vet appointment.”
Photo 3:  “Target locked and loaded!”
Photo 4:  “Credo went into emergency surgery for a foreign body obstruction.  The foreign body was a piece of tennis ball, which I don’t keep at the house because I know it’s too easy for the dogs to destroy.  He had to have gotten it ad daycare.  The thing is, I told them 14 months ago when he came home and threw up a bunch of pieces of tennis balls.  The surgeon said, based on the smell, softness and discoloration of the piece she found, this is likely a piece that didn’t get vomited up 14 months ago and recently shifted and caused the GI distress.  I’m gonna tell them they should help me foot the bill.  They just send me this picture of him with the vet tech who has fallen in love with him.”
Photo 5:  “Oddly enough, it was 5 years ago yesterday that he wore one of these collars the first time…the dreaded snip.”
Photo 6:  “Going home!  Much ore comfortable in the Kong Cloud Collar.”

Credo at 6 years 3 months
“Happy Easter!”

Credo at 6 years
“Hey Cel! A photographer partnered up with a GSD rescue in Colorado to help raise money. I paid a studio fee (which got donated to the rescue), she took some pictures, I picked my favorite, and that photo got entered into the magazine cover contest. Voting opens tomorrow. Each vote costs $1, and all the vote money gets donated to the rescue too. Just wanted to send you the picture of Credo that could possibly be on the cover of the magazine.”  Cel’s update – Credo won 2nd place and is featured in the inside cover page of the magazine.

Frieda (Celhaus Nagorski) at 6 years 5 months with Max & Gunnar from the TT litter, 3 years 7 months old
“Gunnar (TT), Angus (not one of mine), Frieda (NN) and Max (TT)…the wolf pack!  All doing well.”

Hazel (Celhaus Scarlett Scout) at 4 years 
“4 years old!”

Hazel at 3 years 10 months

Hazel at 3 years 9 months

Hazel at 3 years 7 months
“Hazel on Christmas Day.”

Hazel at 3 years 2 months
“Took this yesterday on Red Grade Trail.”

Hazel at 3 years 1 month
“Soldier’s Park.  82 pounds of good dog!”

Hazel at 3 years

Otto D (Celhaus Lancelot Otto) at 8 years
“Thank you for the birthday wishes to the LLs.  Attached is a photo of Otto D.  He’s doing great – amazing as always.”

Hildy (Celhaus Seraph’s Serenade) at 4 years
Photo 1:  Hildy loves to lie down in any body of water, no matter how cold!”
Photo 2:  “She’s also very playful and enjoys chewing on femur bones, as well as any squeaky balls!”
Photo 4:  “Hildy at Amsden this past weekend.  She loves exploring.  Such a curious dog!”

Hildy at 3 years 8 months
1/6/24: “I know you like updates on all your dogs, including Hildy, so here goes. She now has a “boyfriend”, Siegfried, a great Pyrenees who live quite close to us. When we pass his place in the car, Hildy carries on wildly, with shrill barks penetrating the ears of anyone within a mile. We used to laughingly tell her to “forget him! He’s not good enough for you!” when he would “play games” with her, ignoring her one time and racing around with her another. Recently, on one of their nightly walks, Steve and Hildy encountered Siegfried out on the road, instead of on his property. Normally, there’s a fence between them and they race up and down, barking and having fun. Well, there he was, right in front of her. So, she sauntered over to him and put her chin on his shoulders. He cowered. She yipped and barked like a fish-wife and he slunk off. In fact, now when he sees her, if she starts that shrill barking that Steve finds embarrassing, Siegfried walks off. If she isn’t yipping, then they play. He is her sole canine playmate (due to her dominant nature) although she and Winston, our cat, play incessantly when they are both in the house.  Never a dull moment around here!”
Hildy at 3 years
Photo 1:  “Hildy celebrating her 3rd birthday! She enjoyed plunging into the pond at Kleenburn for cooling off and a drink of pond water.”
Photo 2:  “Here she is focused on 2 people who were fishing.”

Hildy at 2 years 11 months
“Hildy is transfixed by the fox family!  This is the first night for us to see the adorable kits.  Hildy, Steve and I will enjoy watching them for the next several days, until the family moves to a different den.  When the foxes are out, everything in the house grinds to a halt while we watch them.  The dishes can wait til tomorrow!”

Stetson (Celhaus Six-Shooters Spur N Saddles) at 4 years
Photo 1:  “Stetson worked very hard to capture his little prize lying between his front feet.  He hasn’t had much exposure to live mouse hunt5ing.  Quinn (terrier) is at summer camp, so Stetson had to up his game!  Look closely between his font feet and you’ll see its little pink foot sticking up.”
Photo 2: “Stetson waiting for Lizzie to get out of the pond.”
Photo 3:  “She follows him everywhere.”

Stetson at 3 years 8 months
“Seriously Stetson.”

Stetson at 3 years 5 months
“I think he wanted his picture taken!”

Stetson at 3 years 4 months
“Blue (the horse) photo-bombed Stetson’s fall photo!”

Stetson at 3 years 3 months
Photo 1:  “Stetson being dive-bombed by meadowlarks who for some unknown reason had left their usual grasslands, taken a liking to a tree and were protecting it”
Photo 2:  “Large and small guard dogs.  Today I had bits of Monterrey cheese and banana chips that I was giving the dogs between grooming sessions. Raven loves banana chips. I gave Stetson one but he was expecting cheese.  He almost ate it, paused, rolled it around a bit, gave me a horrified look and spit it out. He really sniffed the next cheese before gingerly taking it. I had a good chuckle anyway.”

Stetson at 3 years
“Searching in the barn for birthday surprises.”

Pika (Celhaus Lively Pika) at 6 years 9 months
“Pika is doing amazing. I attached some more recent photos to update your collection. Pika goes everywhere with me, even to my office at the University. She’s our team’s mascot and she keeps everyone in line. This past summer she went up to the Arctic with me and we were able to do a true polar plunge in the Arctic Ocean. She also traveled to Valdez and over to Kennicott, we crossed the Denali Highway in early summer when the road opened up and we hiked 40 miles this summer across the Kesugi Ridge in Denali State Park. We also spent a bunch of time in Fairbanks along the Chena River and she absolutely loves the water. We had to take a short flight for a rafting trip and she was awesome in the helicopter, but even better on our raft…  She really enjoys the float trips. I can’t tell you how much I love this dog. She is just amazing. The best dog ever!  We did our annual vet visit just last week and she’s looking perfect! Of and she is really enjoying the last of the salmon we caught over the summer. One of her favorites! LOL!  Thanks so much for Pika!”

Pika at 6 years 5 months

Hopeful (Celhaus Song of Hope In Hard Times) at 3 years 5 months
Hopeful is competing well in UKC Nosework trials.  She has attained her Novice Interiors, Novice Exteriors and Advanced Containers titles.
See Hopeful at nosework training sessions, 3 years 5 months and 3 years 1 month.

6/3/24:  Hopeful received her 100-Visit Certificate from Alliance of Therapy Dogs and will now receive her AKC THDA (Therapy Dog Advanced) title.
See her trading cards
Hopeful at 3 years

See photos
Hopeful at 2 years 6 months
Hopeful visiting with a new nursing home resident. He had been reluctant to come out of his room – until he learned the therapy dog was there.  He sat on a bench close to his room’s door and Hopeful, on her own, scooted under the bench so that he could pet her.

Scully (Celhaus Scully) at 2 years 10 months
Apologies for going so long without updates. We had our first 2-legged baby (a daughter named Elvis) in November, so the last year has been a whirlwind. Throughout it all, Scully has continued to be wonderful and we are so grateful for the work you do to create such amazing dogs. Attaching some photos of our 4-legged girl.”

Bridger (Celhaus Lodestar Bridger) at 5 years

Otto P (Celhaus Lead the Way Otto) at 4 years 9 months
“I’m glad you let me have Otto.  He is a remarkable dog.  He goes to work with me at my office and has a circuit that he runs—the secretaries all buy treats for him.  In fact he goes everywhere with me, including hotels all around the northern states.  He is a good boy.  He is remarkably healthy and resilient.  Still chases rabbits, though, and he knows better. You breed great dogs.  Truly great dogs.  I am grateful that you let me share him.  Best.  Paul”
Photo 1:  “I have never let dogs on the couch.  But I’m now 64 and Otto is excepted from that rule.  No beds, though, although I am wondering if my daughter lets him up when she comes back to town.”
Photo 2:  “Otto with his friend Bridger on Gull Lake, MN.”
            Photo 3:  “Otto, Gretchen, and retriever friend Mable, who visits often.” 
           Photo 4:  “Otto in truck bed with birds.  No, Otto didn’t hunt these birds.  But he did get on one.  Mable did all the rest.  But we did let him try.  And he darned near pulled a pheasant out of the sky when I missed it.”

Axel (Celhaus Nash Axel Geisner) at 3 years 11 months