Puppy Playtime – Dakuya with Addy and Jamboree

Addy (AAA Litter) and Jamboree (JJ Litter) Visit Dakuya

My friend, Laurie, who has Jamboree (Mercy’s sister) and Addy (Dakuya’s sister), came to our nosework trial.  Late Saturday afternoon, after the trial, she brought them to play.  I took lots of photos of Jamboree and Addy.  I got some good ones of them playing tug.  Laurie says that Jamboree would never let any of the other puppies get close to her ball.  She said that the others always backed down to Jamboree’s grumbles. Addy doesn’t.  In fact, it just eggs her on more.

Then I let Dakuya out to see if the sisters would play.  Did they ever!  Laurie said she hadn’t laughed that hard for a long time!  It’s very hard to tell the sisters apart.  Addy is about 10 pounds heavier but that often doesn’t show.  Most of the time I can tell them apart because Addys’ coat is short and very smooth, while Dakuya has longer hair, especially on her ruff.  Dakuya was much more respectful of Jamboree when she said to leave her ball alone.

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