JJ Litter

JJ Litter Photos
Quasi bred to Soleil
(who was from the GG litter), whelped 12/20/15
Mr. Blue (Riker) went to southern Colorado for Search & Rescue; Mr. Green (Connor) stayed here in Sheridan to train for Search & Rescue; Mr. Sparkle (Ruger) went to Utah for Search & Rescue; Mr. Red (Charis) went to northern Colorado for obedience, herding, tracking and agility competition and to be a therapy dog. Miss Pink (Jamboree) stayed in Sheridan, is a service dog and is competing in agility and nosework. I kept Miss Purple (Celhaus Jubilee Year of Mercy) for breeding, nose work and agility competition and therapy dog work. 
See Mercy training in nosework, August – September 2024 
(8 years 8 months old)

See Mercy’s page.
See JJ litter pedigree
See JJ litter background information
See JJ litter Search & Rescue Test Results and Police/Narcotics Temperament Test Results
See How I Raise My Puppies:  JJ Litter First Time Alone with Toys and Stranger

Charis (NN Celhaus Johann RAE TC ATD) at 8 years 5 months
Charis enjoys his little sister, Breeze, from the ZZ litter.
“I just finished brushing Charis.  He is aways so relaxed after he gets brushed (and handsome!)”

Charis at 8 years 3 months
“We hosted a playdate yesterday for 2 of my friends & their dogs.  My good friend Sandy has two tiny Shelties. And my friend Brittany brought her big, very sweet Rottie named Ren (short for Renegade) along with two young, long-haired GSDs she has been fostering & training. It was quite a pack with 7 dogs, including my two. It was good for Breeze to learn she is not “queen of everything” as she tends to be with just Charis, who is very tolerant and patient with her.”

Charis at 8 years 2 months
“Charis made lots of people happy today.  We visited the nursing home in Windsor, not far from our home.  It’s a large facility, so we visit one area one week and the other a couple of weeks later.  Even at that we don’t get to see everyone.  I always feel like we receive more than we give.  It’s been that way everywhere we have visited.  God gave me the desire of my heart – my German Shepherds. This is my way of giving back to Him in gratitude.  We also take part in a reading program at a Christian school whenever they want us.  That’s always fun. I miss the airport therapy dog work.  Maybe I can get back there once Breeze is a registered therapy dog.  The way she loves people, she will be in Heaven there.”

Charis at 8 years
“I have to brag about my sweet Charis. We were at an elementary school reading program today for a little over 2 hours – 2nd grade & kindergarten. They got to pet him as they read, about 5 kids at a time. That was a LOT of petting for a dog who isn’t too jazzed about it, but he was a perfect angel. The kids were quiet & well-behaved, though. He’s sound asleep here in the dining room now.”
Photo 1:  “My handsome birthday boy.”
 Photo 2:  “Charis patiently waiting for me to throw the ball.”
Photos 3-4:  “I let the furkidz out for about 10 minutes.  They came in looking like this.”

Charis at 7 years 11 months
Photo1: “Charis and I went to Resurrection Christian School this morning so a class of 4th graders and a kindergarten class could read to him.  As always, he was such a good boy.  This talented little girl gave me a very nice picture she had drawn of a German Shepherd.”
Photo 2:  “Enjoying a tug game with baby Breeze from the ZZ litter.”

Jamboree (Celhaus Jamboree to Celebrate Life) at 8 years 5 months
See Jamboree playing with Dakuya & her sister, Addy, on 5/18/24
5/19/24:  JJ8yrs5mos-Jamboree (no photo):  “Tremendously proud of our girl going 8 Q’s for 8 tries.  She finished her Superior Container and Superior Interior titles, to finish her Superior Overall Title and earned her Novice Champion Container title.  She also got 2 Novice Handler Discrimination Q’s!  That title, unlike all the others, requires 3 Q’s to complete.”
Jamboree at 8 years 4 months
“We had the HS Award Assembly for the Skills Class. You should have seen the faces when they received their Paw READING Medals and PAW Achievement Certificates from Jamboree and huge applause from the other students my heart was just bursting for them. Unfortunately, no pictures as all cell phones were too be turned off.”
Photo 1:  “Tiffany, the Literacy Elementary teacher, is sadly moving to London in just a few weeks.  We are all going to miss her.”
Photo 2:  “I took Jamboree with me the day of Bill’s back surgery.  It was a beautiful day – not too hot, mid 70s.  Instead of sitting in the waiting room, we went on walks and relaxed by a shade tree while I read to help pass the time.  She was such a comfort and I’m so glad she was with me.”

Jamboree at 8 years 3 months
Jamboree the competition dog

“Fun weekend nosework practice of vehicle, interior and exterior searches.  Kristie (who has Quizz from the QQ litter) works for her dad’s trucking company and got permission for us to train on the property.  Perfect timing to prepare Jamboree for the May nosework trial just around the corner.”

Jamboree at 8 years 3 months
Jamboree the therapy dog
See Jamboree’s trading cards
“Past or possible Reading kids loving on Jamboree during breaks.”

Photos 1-4:  “Sensory breaks”
Photos 5-9:  “Reading sessions”

Jamboree at 8 years 2 months
Photos 1-2:  “This happens all day on Thursdays in-between readers, of course.  They are either past reading students or kids who wish they could.    They really pull my heartstrings when they all come running into the classroom to give her a hug.”
Photo 3:  “Another READ Thursday Funday at Sundance Elementary.  We also had a fire drill today.  One of the second graders was thrilled when he got to walk Jamboree outside.  He kept telling her not to be scared, that it was a drill and there wasn’t really a fire.”

Jamboree at 8 years 1 month
Photo 2:  “I found a ‘Reading Pup’ for Jamboree at Tractor Supply.  His name is ‘JJ Jam Jr.’  He’s wearing Cracker’s old vest and collar (Crackers is her retired therapy dog who is a chihuahua).  JJ steps in when a kiddo is having a breakdown and Jamboree is not there.”
Photo 3:  “The teachers had a fun contest that involved possession of a huge duck.”

Jamboree at 7 years 9 months
Jamboree the Service Dog
Photos 1-3:  “So Proud of Jam especially not being able to train for the trip. Navigating Denver Airport like a pro.  Worked as Mobility Dog for Bill until he had wheelchair assistance.  First time on shuttle from motel to airport…train ride to Southwest airline terminal…through security, patted down, and slept whole way to Midland in tuck position when we finally got boarded. Beyond proud of her.
Photo 5:  “Flight delayed
Photo 7: “After the flight delay.”
Photo 8:  “Fundraiser”

Riker (Celhaus Jeghbe’ tlh Inganpu) at 8 years 4 months
Name Story: It means “Never Quit”, from Startrek)
Riker is a Search & Rescue dog in NW Wyoming.  They are members of Jackson Hole Search Dogs.  Riker is field-certified in wilderness, live find and recovery (land cadaver).  He was joined by 22 & 24-week-old Booker (AAA litter) who is training to be a Search & Rescue dog.)
Photo 1:  “Booker has hit puppy puberty and Riker seems to want me to send him away to boarding school.” 
Photo 2:  “Tourist shot from last summer. Checking out a tank!”
Photo 3:  “Riker and Booker out in the snow.” 
Photo 4:  “Puppies up to no good…”

Riker at 8 years 3 months with Booker, 5 months
Photo 1:  “Photo 1:  “Rolling up on 6 months and almost as big as the old beastie! (This is when he stops growing, right…)”
Photo 2:  “A couple of search dogs up to no good.”

Riker at 8 years 1 month with Booker, 16 weeks
Photo 2:  “Riker showing Booker (the new tenant) the ins and outs of his old kennel.”

Riker at 8 years
“Searching for UFOs in the area.  Happy Birthday Little Beastie! Thanks for putting up with me all these years!”

at 7 years 8 months
Photos 1-3:  “Riker and I were on a search last week in the Wind River Range. We were flown into the area and back out. He worked hard. Did really well on the flights in and out. Was one tired boy after.”

Ruger (Celhaus Justice Ruger)
Ruger is a Search & Rescue Dog in Utah and has the following certifications:  
Wilderness Air Scent (recovery), Tri-state Shoreline, NASAR K9 SARTECH III, Tri-State level II Cadaver, NASAR Canine Avalanche Responder.  He also has his AKC Canine Good Citizen title.  Good job, guys!!!

Ruger’s owner sent a flash drive of photos from the day they took him home until recently.
I created a special page for them.