TT Litter 2

TT Litter, page 2

Mr. Green (“Kellan”) went to New York to compete in nosework and will also train in agility, herding, and be a therapy dog – her second dog from me.  Miss Yellow (“Taryn”) went to New York to compete in obedience, agility, nosework and possibly tracking & Schutzhund. Mr. White (“Jax”) went to Washington, DC to be a service dog for a veteran. Brown (“Talon”) to her home in southeast WY was trained as a service dog and placed with a handler when he completed all his training.  Miss Pink (“Lucca”) went to Montana to be a companion – her second dog from me.  Miss Lilac (“Elsa”) went to southwest WY to be a companion and therapy dog.  Miss Orange (“Tirzah”) went to Colorado to be a companion and Reading Dog (therapy dog for children).  Mr. Blue (“Maximus”) and Mr. Turquoise (“Gunnar”) went to California to a family who already have or had 4 of my dogs; Mr. Blue went to the parents while Mr. Turquoise went to one of the adult sons.  Miss Tan (“Roxanne”) went to southern Colorado for Search & Rescue.

(Celhaus Taryn)
at 2 years 7 months
1/4/24  “We got our NACSW NW1 Title last fall. The vehicle search was tough for all but a few teams – lots of wind & pooling odor.  Taryn was one of only 3 dogs who qualified in the vehicle search.”
Photos:  “Taryn went to the USCSS scentwork trial at Genesee Community College.  She earned her DDN (Detection Dog Novice) title, passing containers, interiors, exteriors & vehicle searches all in the same day.  She took 1st place (out of 31 teams) in the vehicle search.”

Taryn at 2 years 6 months
 “Taryn got her AKC Scentwork Novice Containers title plus 2 legs each in Novice Interior & Novice Exterior, plus three 2nd places & 1 third place at the Sunshine Camp in rush, NY.”

Maximus (Celhaus Trooper, front left) and Gunnar (Celhaus Tyrion, rear) at 2 years 8 months with Frieda (Celhaus Nagorski), 5 years 8 months (middle) and Angus (not one of mine, front right)
The wolf pack!  All doing well.”

Tirzah (Celhaus Treasured Tirzah) at 3 years 6 months
 “I hope all is going well with you, I wanted to let you know that Tirzah is doing great and just an energetic as a 1-year-old we love her so much!  She’s so amazing, we have 3 grandchildren and she absolutely loves them and rolls her ball back and forth to them. They’re very little, one is a little over 2 and the other 9 months and we have the 3-month-old.  Thank you breeding such incredible dogs!”

Tirzah at 3 years 2 months
“I did a photo shoot the other day.  She is glowing with health.  We love her so much.”

Tirzah at 3 years

Tirzah at 2 years 8 months
 Photos 1-9:  “Here are some recent photos of her.  I can’t believe she’ll be 3 years old this October. 
Photo 6:  “I thought this was so cute.  It looks like she’s hiding behind the sunflower.”
Photo 10:  “We went on a drive and came across these sculptures of Trader’s, and Tirzah joined the pack!”
Photo 11:  “Our hotel room had 2 queen beds.  Tirzah obviously knew she had first choice.  She is an awesome traveler.  And always garners a compliment on her beauty and sweetness.  We love her so much!  Thank you for her!”


Jax (Celhaus Triumph) at 3 years 3 months
 “One of my favorite pictures of Jax.  This past month has been very busy with traveling, work, and holiday gatherings. I apologize for not getting this email sent earlier. I hope you are doing well and had a Merry Christmas. Here is a picture of our handsome boy, Jax, in front of our Christmas tree. Jax continues to be the best companion ever and brings joy to the entire family. He has also contributed to canine research at Johns Hopkins University this past year and demonstrated his amazing skills with nosework. The latter started after Jax found my I-phone this summer after I unknowingly dropped it while playing with him
 in a large field. I now have scent boxes that I place outdoors for him to find and gradually increase the level of difficulty each time.  At present, Jax can find a scent box hidden a half mile from the starting point. This has been such a fun activity for us and we owe it all to you.”

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