Dakuya 6 Months Old At Playtime

Dakuya, 6 Months Old,
Enjoys Morning Playtime 


We finally had a beautiful day when I didn’t have to go anywhere, so I took my time doing ball sessions and photographed all four of the pups. 

Dakuya is quite the challenge to photograph.  She is so small and agile and fast that she literally FLIES. I throw Lovely’s ball first and Dakuya races after her and is already turning back as I throw Justice’s ball, racing so speedily toward me that I can barely throw hers before she gets back to me – and I’m pretty darned fast with the ChuckIt after doing ball sessions all these years.  She makes me wish my body would still allow me to do agility. I swear she’d beat those border collies.

Two of the photos caught her coming straight at Justice and it looks like she’s going to sail right over his back.

Be sure to look for the set of photos where Justice is stealing Dakuya’s ball.  Justice is in the ball group with Dakuya and Lovely.  Justice loves to carry two balls at a time, so he is ALWAYS trying to steal balls from the others.  He can seldom beat one of the adults to their ball, but if his ball and the puppy’s ball happen to bounce towards each other, he’ll get his and manage to get hers before she can.  I didn’t even know I caught him in the act until I edited them.  Thank goodness he brings both balls back to me so I can give the puppies their balls back.    What a mean dad.  I laugh every time I see those photos!

see Pascha’s playtime photos from 4/25/24
see Zest’s playtime photos from 4/25/24
see Zeal’s playtime photos from 4/25/24
to Dakuya’s page
to the AAA litter’s page