RR Litter

RR Litter (Lovely bred to Cantor)
Whelped 6/11/19: 4 bicolor males, 1 bicolor female; 1 black female
Mr. Green (Rudi) went to Wisconsin for obedience competition and Schutzhund. Miss Pink (Sadie) went to Pennsylvania for agility and obedience competition and therapy dog work. Miss Gray (Duchess) went to NW Montana, Mr. Blue (Ruger) went to southern Wyoming and Mr. Purple (Kaiser) went to Colorado as pets. Mr. Brown (Radik) went to Colorado as a pet and hopefully therapy dog.  

Duchess (Celhaus Royalty) at 4 years 11 months
Photo 1:  “
Watching NCAA men’s lacrosse.
Photo 2:  “A Norwegian Forest Cat, Leo, is her best friend.

Ruger (Celhaus Ruger Wesley George) at 5 years
““We celebrated Ruger’s birthday. He is doing great!  We just love him so much.””

(Celhaus Radik of Eagle Vista RN, TKN, CGC ATD THDN)
at 5 years 
Photos 1-2:  “Handsome Radik this morning, his 5th birthday.”
Photo 3:  “Radik (left) and Asher (from the AAA litter).”

Radik at 4 years 11 months
6/6/24:  “”Radik received his AKC Therapy Dog Novice title certificate!
Photo 1:  “Size comparison.  They are both holding the same stick.”
Photo 2:  “Sweet Radik.”
Photo 3:  “Radik this morning.”

Radik at 4 years 10 months
Congratulations, Radik & Teri, on becoming a certified therapy dog team!!!
When Teri came in December to pick up Asher, I tested them and did their first supervised visit.  They completed their other two required supervised visits closer to home (Colorado).

Name Story:  Radik is German/Czech for “Famous ruler” and is pronounced “Rah-deek”.
Photo 1:  “My friend Jane who just recently celebrated her 95th birthday!  This was Radik’s and my visit yesterday with her at her home!  She is such a sweet lady.  She bred and raised GSDs for many decades and just loves how sweet and calm Radik is when he visits.  I have to keep reassuring her that he is calm in the house but can also be quite active when outside!”
Photos 2-3:  “We were doing our morning walk…they were hunting ‘something’…not sure what it was.  Good noses though!”
Photos 4-6:  “Size comparison now that Asher is 6 months old.”
Photo 7:  ““Radik this morning surveying his territory.”
Photo 8:  “What a nice therapy dog visit we had.  And we’ve been asked to come back on a regular basis!”
Photo 9:  “They put a cute photo of Radik at the front desk to let everyone know he’s coming.”
Photos 10-11:  “So many people to visit today – we must have visited close to 20!  We spent an hour at the assisted living facility!“

Radik at 4 years 9 months
Photo 1:  “My son took this picture of Radik this morning and captioned it as follows, ‘Conflicting emotions here – I’m sad that I didn’t get to go with Mom, but she took the puppy and this is the first moment I’ve alone I’ve had in a week…’”
Photos 3-4:  “Morning hike with 33-week-old Asher.  The boys say hi from the snowy terrain in the Colorado foothills!  Radik is Asher’s best dog bud!”
3/7/24:  “Here is a happy story where our sweet Radik is one of the characters!  Here’s what happened: We were parked outside a business building with the back of the vehicle facing the building. I was in the process of unloading Radik when a very tall man with a cane came out of the building.  Puppy Asher (20 wks old, AAA litter) started barking loudly as he’d never seen an African-American man quite like him.  The man shouted from the doorway, ‘Are you going to let that dog out of the vehicle?’ (referring to Radik).  I told him I was and he then said, ‘I can go back in the building; I’m afraid of dogs. I was bitten when I was 10 years old.’  I then told him that Radik is a therapy dog and asked him if he would like to pet him. He hesitated and then walked halfway toward us, indicating he would like to try.  I told him Radik and I would approach him; he stood very still.  Radik walked over to him, sniffed and turned around and sat next to the man.  The man stroked Radik’s head and said (get the tissue ready), ‘I haven’t petted a dog for 30 years because I was afraid.’ (By now the puppy has stopped barking and is watching the interaction between the two.)  After the man stopped petting Radik (5 minutes maybe), he said ‘Thank you, he is a good boy.’  I asked him how he felt about petting Radik and he said ‘It made me feel happy to pet a dog again after so many years.’  What a sweet encounter this was–we were so blessed.”

Radik at 4 years 8 months
Photo 1:  “Radik with 17-week-old Asher running after him this morning.”
Photo 5: “Zachary (34 weeks, from the ZZ litter) came to visit Radik today.  Sharon and  I talked and had a fun 1.5 hours while the dogs ran in the river and snow.  Radik and Zachary are fast friends.  “

Radik at 4 years 7 months
Photo 1 (with 14-week-old Asher):  “Waiting patiently (at least for this moment) for me to fix their supper. I love these quiet moments.”
Photo 2:  “Cuteness picture of the day.”
Photo 3  (with Asher, 15 wks):  Good morning!  Yay for bully sticks so I can get my breakfast ready!”
Photo 4 (with Asher, 15 wks):  “My son says Asher is the Assistant Branch Manager.”

Radik at 4 years 6 months

Radik at 4 years 3 months

Kaiser (PAM-B RACH Celhaus Romeo Stole My Heart CDX BN GO RM3 RAE2 PT FDC BCAT SWE RATM CGC TKI) at 4 years 10 months
“A good weekend at Terry-All Kennel Club Dog Show, Kai earned his Graduate Open title.”

Kaiser at 4 years 9 months
“And more fun, his picture is in the review I just got tonight! The PAM award winners got recognized in this issue.”

Kaiser at 4 years 7 months
“Kai qualified in Graduate Open today, our 2nd try for it.  So proud!  He was the only qualifier.  We scored 189, so not bad.  Yesterday was our first try and he did it all.  He picked up the right article, but he second guesses and put it down, then brought the wrong one. But today he got it.  I’m so happy with him!  We haven’t gone to class for a while because I was worried about the respiratory thing (very catchable virus).  He has room to improve, but I am super proud of him.”

Kaiser at 4 years 6 months
TWO Amazing Letters.  Way to go, Team Kai!!!!!
(John is Katina’s husband.)

Hi, Katina Mallon & John Stamatakos,

Attached is your letter confirming your 2023 PAM AND PAM-BRONZE… 

We hope you continue your training and apply for the next level of the Enhanced PAM (information on the GSDCA website!).  We also hope to see you at the 2024 National and please considering entering the GSDCA Phyllis Dobbs Most Versatile German Shepherd Competition at the National! 

The Board of Directors of the GSDCA thanks you for your commitment to the breed and congratulates you on achieving the PAM & PAM-BRONZE for 2023. 

Thank You!!!
The Performance Award of Merit Committee and the GSDCA Board of Directors


PAM RACH Celhaus Romeo Stole My Heart CDX BN RM3 RAE2 PT FDC BCAT SWE RATM CGC TKI (M, 6/11/19)

Sire:              Cantor Vom Wenner Haus at Celhaus
Dam:            Celhaus Love Every Living Thing
Breeder:        Cel Hope
Owner:          Katina Mallon & John Stamatakos



Dear Katina Mallon & John Stamatakos,

Congratulations on receiving the Performance Award of Merit  as well as the Performance Award of Merit BRONZE titles on PAM-B RACH Celhaus Romeo Stole My Heart CDX BN RM3 RAE2 PT FDC BCAT SWE RATM CGC TKI.  This award exemplifies the true working ability of the German Shepherd Dog by displaying the versatility and intelligence that has always been attributed to our breed.  We appreciate your dedication to the breed and the time and effort that it takes to bring a dog to this level of accomplishment.

It is people like you working with your dogs in the Performance Arena that are the true backbone of our great breed. As you take your dogs out into the public every day, to train and prepare for the competitions and trials, you allow “John Q Public” to see their versatility, temperament, and all of the wonderful qualities that make the German Shepherd Dog the best companion, the most loyal friend, and the greatest working dog of any breed.

In the Spring of 2024, you will receive the PAM plaque for this award. In addition, there will be a presentation during the 2024 GSDCA National at the GSDCA Annual Meeting (usually held Thursday evening of National week), where each PAM recipient attending the meeting will be formally recognized. If you are planning to attend the National, please try to make the meeting part of your plan.

Your dog’s picture will also appear free of charge in the German Shepherd Dog Review (month to be determined by the Review Committee) and also in the 2023 Redbook (published in the summer of 2024) so make sure that you have great action photos for these publications.

The Board of Directors of the GSDCA thanks you for your commitment to the breed and congratulates you on achieving the PAM for 2023. 

On behalf of the GSDCA Board of Directors, we congratulate you and hope to see you at the National Specialty in 2024.

Thank You!!!
The Performance Award of Merit Committee and the GSDCA Board of Directors

Kaiser at 4 years 5 months”
Kaiser and I made our way to our first GSDCA National show in Springfield, IL with hopes of finishing his RACH (Rally Championship) and competing in the Phyllis Dobbs Versatility competition (dogs compete in at least three sports to enter). I am so proud of this amazing boy, he brings me such joy and did all I hoped and more! We started off in scentwork trials where he qualified in 11/12 Excellent level runs. We finished all four elements and our overall Excellent level title with a first, 4 third places, and 3 fourth places and a High in Trial among some very talented dogs and handlers. The extra exciting news is this is the level required for the GSDCA PAM award (Performance Award of Merit) which requires a high level title and two different lower level titles in different disciplines.
Rally was next up and he had first place finishes in all three classes for his 20th Triple Q and those last master points for his RACH.
He won the High Triple and High Combined for extra flair.
The next two days we had many great runs, and a couple mistakes by both of us.
In the end we got 4 scores of 100, 2 99’s, a 98, and one master run of 80 (oops, lol!). Big thanks to our wonderful judge Dr. Sandy Gould for being so kind, enthusiastic and upbeat and to my many new GSD loving friends who helped make our day all I hoped! I want to give special thanks to Julie Yamane, I remember not so long ago when you walked us through each sign for our first rally run and you have been setting nice courses and patiently helping us succeed since then. Also to all of my dog friends, thanks for sharing all the ups and downs and cheering us along on our journey! I have so much gratitude for you all, for Kai’s breeder Cel Hope and the support of my mom Frankie and my husband as our biggest fans. This trip was a big milestone for Team Kai, and I have loved every moment of my four years with this incredible boy. May we have so many more great adventures together
Cheers to:  PAM-B RACH Celhaus Romeo Stole My Heart CDX BN RM2 RAE2 PT FDC BCAT SWE RATM CGC TKI
Next to last photo:  “Here is Kai’s professional pic from the GSDCA Specialty! I love it, and they plan to customize the ribbon with his name and titles. I had a t-shirt made for the event as well, haha I’m crazy Kaiser’s Rally Championship title certificate also arrived.  It’s now official!  RACH Celhaus Romeo Stole My Heart CDX BN RM3 RAE2 PT FDC BCAT SWE RATM CGC TKI.
Last photo:  “Thanks to the “herding girls” for the social hour and inviting me in! Kai says please remove the taco costume ok?”

Kaiser at 4 years 4 months
(no photo)
“We got home from Springfield, and wow what an adventure! When I get his professional pic (if it turns out) I’ll send you the official RACH pic.  His success in scentwork was so amazing to see. 11 out of 12 Q’s in Excellent with lots of placements and a High in Trial (he almost did that twice but someone beat us by a few seconds!).”
Kaiser at 4 years 3 months
These are from Cheyenne Kennel Club weekend, Callie and Ellie had fun runs as they figure out the game. Kai knows and loves the game and got 4 runs in over the weekend. FastCat is a game where you spend lots of money for 7 seconds of fun, and then double down because the photos are so awesome.  Thanks to photographer Charlotte With Dogs for being there and taking the great shots all three days and John Fisher at Dog Sports America for the fun times!
Photo 1:  “Big dog breaks string for lure operator.”
Photo 2:  “Hustling!” 
Photo 4:  “Got it!”
Photo 5:  “Flying!”
Photo 6:  “Getting the bunny”
Photo 7:  “Redirect to tug game.  Yay big guy!”

Kaiser at 4 years 2 months
“Kai competed in Excellent today and got 4/4 elements! He had two first place finishes and high in trial!  Unfortunately the club ran out of ribbons.  So obviously this made show pics difficult. However, there was a photographer there so hopefully she captured a couple performance photos to document the most exciting occasion! She expects they’ll be available in a week, if I am able to get some, I’ll send them then.  Happy National Dog Day to you and your good dogs.”
Photos 1-2:  “At the Cheyenne show we scored a 99 in Master Rally and 1st place.  Only 20 points to go!!”

Kaiser at 4 years 1 month
“We just returned from a fun weekend showing at the Central Wyoming Kennel Club show. Kaiser showed mostly just Master Rally to get those last points we need for his Rally Championship. He earned 25 of them, just 29 to go! He went High Triple on his 19th QQQ today. He also finished his RAE2 title. We are grateful for this club; they are so nice and work hard to make it a great trial. I’m also very grateful for all of our friends who support us and cheer us on during our journey. Great weekend in Casper, WY!
I am so thrilled with his performance, he stayed up the entire time. We still get a little bit of yawning in the ring, and occasional fussiness. But very little, he had five almost perfect master rounds! I’m so happy that I’ve been able to get him back, even on his third class of the third day he was performing well. The two runs we did not get points for, were for an IP.  But the errors were so tiny, like we did a stand stay in motion, and when I turned around to face him, he moved his front feet. So technically, he did not stay and that was 10 points off, but honestly the rest of his round was flawless. So we scored and 90 with no master points, but I am still super happy with the progress we’ve made.  So we got our 25 points in three out of five classes, but very good showing in the other two as well.  I was also super happy for Heather and Shiloh (Kaiser’s full  younger sister from the WW litter) making it out to show in Casper with us. It’s so much fun to have good friends there!  IP is “Incorrectly performed.”  Each sign has its essential component and if you mess that up, you lose the 10 points. If you make a minor error, like slightly out of position or slow to respond it’s 2 or 3 points off.  Yes, having his attitude back is everything.”

Kaiser at 3 years 11 months
Photo 1:  18th Triple Q and high combined for this boy today! (5/19)
Photos 2-3:  We were doing nosework practice in the rain with Heather & Shiloh today. At the nosework trial, Kai got his 1st excellent legs in containers and interiors, with 1st place finishes in both.  He was the only qualifying dog in interiors.

Kaiser at 3 years 10 months
“Our big guy got his Crazy 8 bronze and his first two legs toward his rat championship (need 10) last weekend!”

Kaiser at 3 years 9 months
“I thought you might enjoy the pics my friend took of Kai tracking last weekend.  We’re having the best time with it!”

Sadie (Celhaus Rhapsody in Black) at 4 years 5 months
(no photos) “
Sadie is doing fine by the way….still working on her CDX title.”
Sadie at 3 years 3 months
“Sadie is non-stop, always ON, never tired, and look out if she does rest!!! And soooo friendly. Many have told us they do not like GSD, bad rep, bad experience, including some vets and vet techs. Except for Cody and Sadie, unlike another they have treated or met. Our Rehab vet actually had Cody for a test and it was taking a bit longer. She said the tech was hesitant to pull his blood work. The Rehab vet stayed and said it was ok…they ended up playing on the floor, getting kisses, etc. Sadie makes Cody look like a tired, crabby old guy. She loves her agility classes, and obed, too… again Gary too is learning. Often have said if he could’ve only done this more when he was YOUNGER and not so achy and sore. They all do exercises and warm-ups.”
Thought you’d enjoy seeing Sadie’s pic.  She was high scoring GSD in Obedience at the Western PA GSD club’s trial.  She did very well.  Hasn’t received a score below 190; has her Beginner Novice title and is working on her Novice (CD) title this weekend.  She’s an amiable companion; works hard and is full of energy.  We’re not moving along as quickly in Agility since she likes to “run-her-own-course” 😉  I know, it’s all my fault that I didn’t show her where she should go.  But we’re getting there.”

Sadie at 2 years 6 months

“Sadie got her first title in Obedience this fall – Beginner Novice.  She took 1st place at GSD Club trials in September (197 1/2); 2nd in trials in October (194) and 3rd place (190) at our trials in November.  She also got a leg for Novice B at our November trials. Unfortunately 2 other attempts she NQ’d.  She is also doing well in Agility and will enter her first trial next week (12/18).  Our agility instructor just loves Sadie – great temperament, great drive, smart by her estimation.  Give Cantor and Lovely a big hug from us and tell them ‘Thanks for Sadie’!” 

Rudi (Celhaus Rudolph) at 1 year 4 months
Name story: Rudolph, loosely translated, means well-known wolf.

Rudi is enjoying being “big brother” to Ava, from the SS litter.”
1st photo: watching the squirrels.
Rudi and Ava are doing well.  Ava is growing up quickly – physically and mentally.  She’s such a pretty girl and is quite a thinker.  She was a hit in her puppy class – again, had the instructor tell me she was impressed and had been telling the other instructors about her.  She was great with the other puppies and just approaches everything with a calm confidence.  Rudi tends to be the “goof” and Ava the watcher.  They are well matched – she stands up for herself and they have a ton of fun playing.  Rudi continues to be the perfect big brother!!  As I write this, they are sharing the job of shredding a flossy bone – one on each end.

to RR litter pedigree
to RR litter background info