Spirit Puppies

Spirit Puppies

MM Litter, whelped 7/1/17Spirit bred to Toby
Miss Green (Bindi) went to southern Colorado to be a farm dog (dairy goats and chickens) and therapy dog. Miss Gold (Lexi) went to Virginia to be a Search & Rescue dog (their 3rd SAR dog from me). Miss Pink (Beyla) went to originally Washington state then to Alaska for Schutzhund, obedience and tracking. Miss Red (Ruby) went to Ft. Collins, CO to be a family companion and do obedience & nosework competition (their second dog from me). Mr. Blue (Ziggy) went to the Denver area to be a therapy dog and family companion for two busy boys. Mr. Yellow (Grizzly) went to southwestern Wyoming as a pet.
See MM Litter pedigree
See MM Litter background
see MM litter temperament test scores: 
Police/Narcotics test and Search & Rescue Test

PP Litter, whelped 10/27/18: Spirit bred to Cantor
Mr. White (Pazuzu) went to Colorado for competition in obedience, tracking, agility, dock diving, barn hunt, rally and Schutzhund, and possibly breeding. Mr. Yellow (Malachi) went to Montana to compete in rally, nosework and possibly agility. Miss Purple (Echo) went to western Wyoming to be a therapy dog and do training but probably not any competition. She is their 4th dog from me. Mr. Black went to Ohio (Pax) and Mr. Red (Bear) to South Dakota, both as therapy dogs and to be family pets. Mr. Black is their third dog from me. The others went to be pets: Mr. Orange (Samson III) went to Alaska, while Mr. Green (Samson) & Mr. Blue (Jake) went to Colorado.
to PP litter police/narcotics temperament test results
to PP litter Search and Rescue test results
to PP litter pedigree
to PP litter background information

Pazuzu (Celhaus Pazuzu CD, PDC) at 5 years 7 months
Yesterday Pazuzu and I trialed for his Protection Sport Association (PSA) Protection Dog Certificate (PDC) and passed. We did not get the best pictures, but here is our attempt at pictures with our certificate!.”

Samson (Celhaus Pirate) at 5 years 1 month
“Our fashion plates in the Pacific Northwest rain!

Pax (Celhaus Peace on Earth) at 4 years 9 months
“We have moved back to the Dayton, OH area, our hometown, and we’re delighted to be back HOME.  We’ve lived in rural areas for the past 25 years, so the thought of moving into a neighborhood again gave us pause… But so far, we’ve loved it here.  Daniel built a beautiful 6’ cedar fence around the back yard before we moved in, and the dogs have adjusted well to their new play space.  Love from Pax, as always.”

Grizzly (Celhaus Mercy Grizzly Bryant) at 6 years 7 months
“Grizzly came to live with us on Thanksgiving 5 years ago when he was 1 1/2 years old.  He is doing well.  Susan, Grizzly and I send our best to you on this Thanksgiving as the winter storm starts to piles snow on us….”

Grizzly at 5 years 10 months
“Attached are a couple of recent images of Grizzly from our morning walk.”

Bindi (Celhaus Mireya Bindi Satchke Umida) at 6 years 10 months
Name Story: Mireya is Spanish for miracle: Bindi is the Hindi forehead spot designating spiritual seeking, etc.; Satchke is Finnish for sparkle; Umida is Punjabi for hope/wish/desire.
“Here’s how every morning begins

Bindi at 6 years 9 months
“We decided to get a quiet, small dog since Smokey is starting to take more oversight as he ages.  We got a mini-aussie pup.  It took Bindi a week of grumbling and resource-guarding, but she has now become just the BEST auntie!  And she loves to play bitey face and keep away.  I never had a dog with more try in terms of figuring out what it is a person wants, or how they can help, than the German shepherds, and Bindi certainly has it in spades.  Bindi herself – while just the bestest dog – has been a handful – and continues to be so-all her life…Everyone she meets, while they think she’s the “bomb,” comments on her boundless focus and energy and relentlessness. She can be exhausting!  She’s lived with the cats all her life – and EVERY DAY I have to remind her not to bug them (though ostensibly-they also flirt with disaster, I get it.).  She STILL chases every bug, water stream from the hose, weed toss, manure toss, snow shovel toss, and while she has actually settled quite a bit this year – and can go on a walk or ride without putting SOMETHING in her mouth and telling you all about it at every chance she gets to drop it in front of you… just being a dog and doing doggy things is almost impossible. If you touch her, talk to her, or mention a word she knows (and she has a huge vocabulary!) she looks up with expectancy that she might have another job to do. She still has more go- go at 7ish-than the pup!  I’m So proud of our girl, truly I didn’t think of it, worrying mostly that she’d feel so displaced.  But once she established she was still the queen, (and she often was NOT nice about it AT all!), I think she actually has decided that he’s her new job, and this morning was the next visible behavior towards that roll when she jumped up on the bed and initiated bitey-face games with glee. She had not done her morning on-the-bed greeting since he came home, so she got lots of praise and pets, and ate it up!   I still give her car rides to the post office and such that are just her and I. And she still gets the front seat of the car unless Smoky’s along. I have even taken just her to do the evening chores, if Ollie bear is tired enough to hang out with Smoky. I always encourage her to come up for pets, and go and give her some too-as well as a few puppy kibbles-which totally against her usual abhorrence for “treats”-she thinks those are just the ticket.” 
Photo 1:  “Here’s our girl so wanting to go with the fencing crew…”
Photos 5-6:  “Teaching the next generation.”
Photo 8:  “Ollie’s first ride.  Bindi was calmer than usual – aunthood suits her!”
Photo 11:  “”Good tug game,
Last photo: “Watching the goat channel.”

Bindi at 6 years 6 months
“Thought you’d get a chuckle out of our latest purge results. I’ve been reorganizing, and in the effort brought miss Bindi’s toy box down and set it on the chair. Next thing I knew. She had delicately taken almost every one out and placed them in a neat pile. Then over the course of a couple days, ( I mean- I had to leave it there to see where this was all going, and one can’t overdo while cleaning!) anyhow…over the next few days. She would gleefully bring us one ball. Then a different one, and each time, the pile stayed as a heaped stash…so, in the end, we started the fetch the ____, game, re- acquainting her with all the names again, and played put them away with a ball toss between each success. That took her about three very verbal responses, before she caught on quickly, and only grumbled when I told her she’d dropped the toy too far away!”
Bindi at 6 years 4 months
“A blessed Thanksgiving season to you.  We had a nice Thanksgiving with the kiddos at Karie’s and Jeff’s – 6 dogs and they all snoozed around the table for the most part.  Bindi’s latest thing is to snooze with the cat…growing up at coming on 7!”

Bindi at 6 years 2 months
“Our jaunt with Her Highness doing her GSD herding stuff…lead, circle back around everyone, repeat ad-nauseum.  I think it’s hopeless that she’ll ever quit.  She’ll do this the entire ride, then sit and watch traffic all the drive home, hop out and bring me the closest ball to throw.”

Echo (Celhaus Piper Echo) at 5 years 8 months
with Porter (WW litter), 1 year 3 months

Echo at 4 years 9 months, with Porter (WW litter), 20 months
My son’s dog, Porter (from the WW litter) keeps her well exercised. Here they are at play.  Very competitive. 
Happy Thanksgiving to you this day of snow.” 

Echo at 4 years 7 months

Echo at 4 years 6 months
“Echo is doing great.  After sharing the house with two other dogs for a long time, she is again the Queen of the Place as the boys have moved on with their dogs.  And she loves it.”

Bear (Celhaus Pherein Brave Hart) at 4 years 8 months  

Beyla (Celhaus Miss Beyla Vanir) at 5 years 
Name Story: Although being a goddess herself, Beyla is servant to Freyja, goddess of fertility. She is often connected with earth, and known as the goddess of bees… She is wife to Byggvir, also a servant to Frey and Freyja. Beyla is basically a god-servant to Frey, who’s the god of life, fertility, nature, etc. I thought it was fitting that she be named that (not only because it was a pretty name) but because she’d be my “servant” in that her job is to be protector and companion to my husband and I, and any future children. Vanir is simply the group of gods she is originally in. Thor and Odin and whatnot are in the group called Aesir (Aesir were thought of as being the powers that hold the cosmos together, the animating personalities of the “forces of nature.”). Vanir are the other “tribe” of gods, associated with fertility, wisdom, nature, magic, and the ability to see the future. It sounded nice paired with Beyla, and matched as far as meanings and aligning with Norse Mythology.
“Hi Cel! For Beyla’s 5th birthday my sister took her backpacking. My sister’s golden retriever is getting too old to go on these types of adventures, and my sister likes to bring Beyla because she feels safe with her. I feel safe with her, too. That’s why we bring her on our international travels even though it is a large logistical challenge bringing a dog and a baby. She’s such a good dog though…so long as she gets her walks. Otherwise she’s driv-ey and trying to tell you she needs a walk. Lol.  Of course we also bring her as she’s part of the family, but it would be harder if she wasn’t such a well-behaved and solid dog!”

Beyla at 4 years 7 months
“Beyla at a waterfall in Costa Rica.  We’re here for 2 months, then a month in Oaxaca, Mexico.”

Beyla at 4 years 2 months
“Aveline Althea was born Sept 3 2021. Beyla and her new charge are getting along famously. Beyla is very attentive and has been on guard. She’s very curious at this new thing in the house, and patient and understanding that she hasn’t had as many walks as usual. I’m very happy to have her with us as we enter this new chapter of life.”

Jake (Celhaus Paragon of Gioia) at 4 years
Photo 1:  “Hi, Gma Cel.  Thank you for the Christmas card and letter.  I’ve now mastered three balls!  Love, Jake”
Photo 2:  “December 17th, before the big snow, a good day!”
Photos 3 – 4:  “Deep under cover.  Stealth boy!”
Photo 5:  “Invisible dog.  He’s absolutely no doubt the smartest pup we’ve ever had.  Scary smart.  He’s so spoiled it’s dumb.”
Photo 6:  “After the big snow.”
Photo 7:  “His Chewy Christmas order.  He mostly loved the box, as always.  Our miracle boy.  Cherish every day with him.”
Photo 8:  “Beds everywhere!”
Photo 9:  “He is your gift to us!”

Jake at 3 years 8 months
“Hi Cel.  Just wanted to let you know that Jake is having a good life.  Our lives revolve around him.  We’re grateful for each and every day with him.  A true gift.”

Malachi (Celhaus Pjesma u odjek oluj), 1 year 8 months – 3 years 6 months
Malachi’s mom hadn’t sent updates or photos for quite a while.  She just sent a bunch, so I made a page just for Malachi’s photos.  See all of Malachi’s photos – Enjoy, there are some GREAT ones!