ZZ Litter

ZZ litter, whelped June 16th
Mercy bred to Justice
1 sable female, 3 black & tan females, 1 sable male & 2 black & tan males

Mr. Yellow (now “Raptor”) went to Montana for Search & Rescue.  Miss Green (now “Breeze”) went to Colorado to be a therapy dog and compete in obedience.  Miss Pink (now “Zinnia”) went to SW Wyoming for nosework competition.  Mr. Blue (now Zach) and Mr. Red (now Zion”) went to Colorado for Search & Rescue. I kept Miss White (now “Zest”) and Miss Gold (now “Zeal”) for nosework competition, therapy dog work and hopefully breeding. 
Great News:  I did Zeal’s and Zest’s PennHip x-rays in October, when they were 16 months old.  BOTH rated in the 90th Percentile (their hips are better than 90% of the 19,795 GSDs they have evaluated!!)
Their OFA Hip & Elbow Prelims at 16 months also rated Good.

background information
See the ZZ litter’s Police/Narcotic temperament test results
See the ZZ litter’s Search & Rescue test results

See Zest’s page.
See Zeal’s page
See Zest & Zeal training in nosework, August – November, 2024

Raptor (Celhaus Zephyr’s Raptor) at 1 year 5 months
the former Mr. Yellow, Raptor is in training for Search & Rescue.
Photo 1:  “Raptor just passed his first test!  Building searches – what a maniac!!!!  Building searches are not one of the main ones that we use very often, but at least he’s on the books now.  He was pretty unbelievable on his building searches. People were well hidden behind major obstacles in an unused building. He was a whirling dervish of energy without ever looking back. On top of counters, jumping on walls, pushing things over etc. Quite the determined, focused boy. Will love to see that follow through into his field work. He will have to prove his reliability to listen to me despite his work focus though, which has been an issue. Such an independent little bugger…
I doubt we will be able to do any other certs till spring since we are pretty much in full winter mode.  He’s going for his CGC soon, and I think he will do fine on that. His biggest issue now is back to greeting people with over exuberance.”
Photo 2 (12/3/24):  “Today’s adventures. Raptor is trashed – he never stood still and probably covered 7 miles on his forays. He did have to find me numerous times, navigated through boulders, and learned to trust me to lift him up and down through washes and boulders. Learned the routine of checking his feet for cactus prior to getting into the truck as well. A good day.”
Photos 3-4 (12/4/24):  “More fun exploring and learning all about odor in the rocks and how to get to mom when she’s hiding.”
Photos 5 -6 (12/5/24):  “His own little alcove in a remote backcountry area. “Enjoying some big country.”
Photo 7 (12/6/24):  “Yes, that’s Raptor and me up there.  Great hike!”  He’s had such a great trip and done so well.  Proud of this boy.  I just need to help him feel he does not need to track eveyrone we may encounter….”

Photo 8 (12/19/24):  “Raptor at his group obedience this morning.”
Photo 9 (12/19/24):  “Raptor with his brother Booker from the AAA litter
Raptor at 1 year 4 months
“Raptor and I after an interview with John Deere (yes, seriously) at an appreciation luncheon.  He’s a professional photographer.  I talked him into taking a photo of Raptor and I.”

Raptor at 1 year 3 months
Photo 1: “Playing with Booker”
Photo 2:  “Fun trip”

Raptor at 1 year 2 months
Photo 1:  “Raptor is particularly helpful with truck-washing chores.  Ha!  He doesn’t make anything easier.  Such a busy, nosy guy.  Has to be involved with EVERYTHING!”
Photos 2-5:  “What a great place for an over-the-top prey-driven dog! We are at Teddy Roosevelt National Park and watching a major field of prairie dogs.  Raptor was soooo focused!  I think he would have chased until he dropped over.  He also learned about pup cups on this trip.  Bank dog biscuits will never suffice again.”

Raptor at 1 year 1 month
“Raptor seems to have turned a nice corner (or I have!) We continue to work hard with brain activities, physical purposeful activities, quiet obedience and social interaction. He went to a SAR meeting last night, and we just got back from doing some obedience in a shady busy park with lots of running and screaming children and other dogs. Although he has a hard time focusing on me (he is sooo distracted), he doesn’t lunge or bark or try to interact. He just watches. That’s a good change, and I know it will get better. He also had a Vet visit yesterday for a sore foot, and let them exam him and even cut his toenails after one little low growl. Making big progress there as well!! Proud of my boy.
 The e-collar has been a good thing for us. I hardly ever need to activate it, and use the vibration almost exclusively. The shock is pretty much reserved for chasing wildlife, which was certainly becoming an issue that had to be shut down immediately. His prey drive just overrides his brain and his hearing.  I think we will get through that as well (he has to in order to be able to work) He’s a hard-headed boy!  The heat is overwhelming here right now, and he certainly feels it. He destroyed his newest pool already, so not getting another one right now.”
Photo 1:  “Tug reward after a find.”
Photo 7:  “Waiting for his turn during a SAR presentation.”

Raptor at 1 year
“He is a full-time job for sure! Smart, likes to please and proud of his successes, always with me and keeps a close eye on me, “helps” me with everything, will wait quietly at fences etc., until I return, and really is a devoted and super nice guy. On the other hand, he is totally distracted by things that move (birds, deer, rabbits, other dogs playing) and I had to resort to an e-collar to try to keep him from blasting all over the neighborhood, which is frustrating and dangerous. I know we will get there and it’s adolescent behavior, but yikes! He can be a hard headed, stubborn boy, and offers some pretty big challenges at times. Good thing I’m hard headed as well, and we have come to a pretty good understanding.  His search work is coming along nicely, but I have been focusing on getting his behavior in order first, as I can’t let him free to search out of sight until he gets through this unfocused stage. He has to wear his GPS collar at all training so I can concentrate on the job. His obedience is really quite good on leash, but his prey drive (and his hormones) seem to be ruling his world right now. I celebrate nice breakthroughs, such as some great focused water work in the past week. Shows me he really knows what he’s doing, but needs some maturity to put the focus in the right direction. I work with him every day to keep his brain busy with all kinds of positive things, and I know he will be an exceptional and incredible partner (which he is), and worker once we get there!! I just need to continue to channel that energy and focus, and survive the process!!”
Photo 3:  “Water search.”
Photos 4-5:  “Nice track!”
Photo 6:  “Playing with Booker.”


Zion (Celhaus Zooming Zion) at 1 year 5 months
Zion is doing well in SAR training, particularly enjoying making live finds.
the former Mr. Red (whom I called Zoom)
Photo 1:  “Feet off the ground”
Photo 2:  “With his Jolly ball football”

Zion at 1 year 4 months

Zach (Celhaus Zeppelin’s High Flyer) at 1 year 5 months
Zach recently joined his brother, Zion, and is now training in doing Search and Rescue. He particularly enjoys tracking/trailing.
the former Mr. Blue

Zach at 1 year 1 month

Zinnia (Celhaus Zinnia Elegans) at 1 year 4 months
the former Miss Pink
Zinnia joined Ursa from the UU litter, who is also a Mercy son, so he’s her half-brother.

“Good morning, here are some photos before I forget.  We just went to the Home Depot to work on our obedience.  She did great and was not scared of the step ladder, rolling carts, or the Christmas decor dogs!  She stayed with me in the checkout line and then got released to visit with the checkers.”

Zinnia at 1 year 3 months
“Greetings Cel.  We are enjoying the fall weather that is finally here, harvesting the garden, gathering firewood and of course attending a few Scentwork trials.  Attached are then-and-now photos of Zinnia helping with the bike race in September 2023 and 2024.  We went to Meeker CO for Zinnia to take the ORT test.  We visited Dinosaur National Monument on the way home.  Next weekend we are off to SLC for more UKC nosework fun.” 

Zinnia at 1 year 2 months
“I just wanted to drop a note to update you on our adventures last weekend.  We all went to Salt Lake City for a trial.  Zinnia was a bit distracted but did pull off a nice run in the Novice Exterior taking first place.  SLC was a good weekend, although I have no pictures. Zinnia closed up her Novice Nosework title and did an additional Novice containers. She seems to be really catching on.  Here is a photo of the blue-ribbon crew.”

Zinnia at 1 year 1 month
“Here is a cute snapshot.  Ears up, Neighborhood Watch system is armed.”

Zinnia at 1 year
“Zinnia finally was still enough for a not blurry photo.  She is so smart she has a six- pack forehead.”

Breeze (Celhaus Zephyr in Summer) at 1 year 5 months
the former Miss Green
She joined Charis (JJ litter)
“When you’re on the floor, you’re fair game.  Note the ubiquitous ball.”

Breeze at 1 year 4 months
“Just got back from Scheele’s & Breeze was SO good! Adults were great, but what she really wanted was kids. She was so excited to see them. She did “wizzle” just a little when she approached a little 2-year-old girl, but that was the only time. Gave the girl lots of kisses (which the child loved) & didn’t try to jump up. We worked a lot on wait, watch me, stay with me (I didn’t ask for anything like a show heel), sit, down, & mostly wait for permission to visit. I walked very slowly through the store, which I’m sure was a challenge for a puppy her age. I was very proud of her & let her know it. She also got little bits of steak cooked until it was pretty dry, per your suggestion. It was lots better than obedience drilling.   Breeze loves to play with small rocks from our landscaping. She never eats them, thank goodness. She brings them up onto the smooth concrete of our screened-in porch & scoots them all over the place. Silly girl! She has also lost 3 – count them THREE – of her beloved balls. I finally broke down & bought another yesterday, only to come home & discover she had found one she lost in the basement. I put the new one “in stock” for when she loses another. It had been bugging me so much I actually caught myself scanning the perimeter of the dentist’s waiting room, looking for lost balls!  There are still 2 lost & we have looked everywhere, inside & out, looking for them. The picture shows the ball she found plus her second-favorite, her dognut.  She does keep life interesting…we adore her.”

Breeze at 1 year 3 months (no photos)
“I finally had enough energy to take Breeze to her first drop-in class last night. It ran from 7:15 pm to about 9.  (Cel’s note:  Cathy had a bad injury that put her out of action for quite a while.)  I’m really tired, & Breeze has been rather quiet today too. She had a lot to take in & a lot to learn! She did some heeling (No, you’re not supposed to cut behind me when we turn corners) & recalls (You have to wait until I call & then come quickly). Oh, & stand for exam (You’re not supposed to greet the judge when she pats your back). Most importantly, you’re here to work, not make friends…not an easy lesson for little Miss Sociability!  I was very happy with her overall. Several people commented on how well-behaved she was & how often she checked in with me & watched me. That last is your doing. Thanks for the early lessons! I was especially pleased & impressed with how avidly she watched the other dogs & handlers when it was their time to work. She spent her “down” time taking it all in & I don’t think she missed a thing. At this rate, she should learn very quickly. I think we made a good start!”
Breeze at 1 year 2 months
“Breeze had a vet checkup & vaccinations today. She weighs 54.4 pounds. I don’t think she will ever be much more than 55 pounds, if that. She is truly petite but looks great. She was in her element at the clinic – so many people to meet & interact with! I don’t think her tail ever stopped wagging & she dispensed lots of kisses. She was universally loved & admired. The only hitch was that she absolutely refused to step onto the scale or the lowered exam table. The tech had to lift her onto both. She will learn in time…
I look forward to the time when she will be a therapy dog. I believe that is her true calling. Here she is with her favorite trick.  PS She’s going to be a washout as a guard dog!”

Breeze at 1 year 1 month
“We love Breeze & I am eager to see how far she goes in training. She is such a loving little thing with so many endearing ways. Even as I write this, she is giving me little kisses on my bare feet. We love her.”

Zest (Celhaus Zest for Life) at 10 months
the former Miss White

Zest at morning playtime on 4/27/24

See Zest & Zeal training in nosework, August – November, 2024
See all of Zest’s playtime photos.
See Zest’s page.

Zeal (Celhaus Zeal for Justice) at 10 months
the former Miss Gold

Zeal at morning playtime on 4/27/24

See Zest & Zeal training in nosework, August – November, 2024
See all of Zeal’s playtime photos
See Zeal’s page.