QQ Litter

QQ Litter (Mercy bred to Cantor)
Whelped 3/7/19:  6 females & 2 males

Miss Orange (Envy) went to Utah for Search & Rescue; Mr. Blue (Olaf) went to Durango, CO for Search & Rescue and to do therapy dog work with veterans; Mr. Purple (Cash) went to Minnesota for agility, nosework and obedience competition; and Miss White (Ranger) went to Denver for possible competition and therapy dog work.  Miss Yellow (Neutron) went to Idaho Falls for all kinds of competition: agility, obedience, tracking, scent work and possibly barn hunt. Miss Green (Maya) and Miss Pink (Hilti) went to Colorado as pets.  Miss Red (Quizz) went to my good friend, Laurie Schwabauer, to be trained as a service dog.  No one qualified to take her when she was ready, so we placed her in a great home where she will compete in agility and other venues as well as be a therapy dog and, hopefully, be part of the Underdog program if/when it is approved statewide.  Those are the dogs who go with children when they have to testify in court, to comfort them and give them confidence.

QQ litter background information
QQ litter pedigree
QQ litter police/narcotics temperament test results
QQ litter Search & Rescue test results

The UU litter, whelped January 27, 2021, is a repeat of this litter.

Olaf (Celhaus Quasi Prince Olaf) at 4 years 7 months
“We got our therapy dog certification from Southwest Canine Core Volunteers (SCCV).  They have been really picky and helpful.  Great bunch of ladies.  Oli loves them!  We did the VA Hospital and Hospice Saturday on Veteran’ Day.  We are going to Presbyterian Hospital Thursday.”

Olaf at 4 years 5 months
“Thought I’d send you an update on Oli.  He has passed the evaluations for the SCCV (Southwest Canine Core Volunteers) group and starts his clinical training next week.  We will be at a Beehive facility in Albuquerque.  He loves the work and the trainers put him through the ringer two weeks ago in his final evaluation.  We passed with a 52 out of 55 possible points.”

Maya (Celhaus Querida Maya) at 5 years 2 months

at 5 years
“Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!”

Maya at 4 years 11 months
Photos 1-4:  “It was -10 degrees here in Colorado on Monday and Tuesday this week, but we’re doing good.” 
Photos 5-7:  Hello! It’s been a while so here are some new pictures of Maya! She is doing so well! She is happy and healthy.  Thank you for the newsletter. I enjoy reading about your adventures. Have a wonderful new year!

Quizz (Celhaus Question Me Or Not) at 5 years 3 months
Having fun with nosework.

Quizz at 5 years 2 months
Photo 1:  “Quizz and Karen – Prom photo”
Photos 2-3:  “She seems to excel in vehicle scent detection.  She really does check the whole vehicle, and you can see when she catches scent – she turns around and backtracks to it.  We are still learning.  I am awkward and uncoordinated to click and treat and video all at the same time.  I work for my family’s trucking company, so I get to use the big shop and hide the canisters in pretty cool places along these great big trucks.”

Quizz at 4 years 8 months
“Quizz earned her CGC title.”

Quizz at 4 years 7 months
The Crook County Fair Dog Show was August 3rd & 4th.  Quizz was the Obedience On Leash B Champion and qualified for State Fair.  She also won Senior Rally with Novice Dog and qualified for State Fair.  She also was Overall High-in-Trial Winner – out of ALL the dogs at the show, she had the highest combined scores.”

Quizz at 4 years 6 months

Quizz at 4 years 4 months
Photo 1:  “Hiking and smelling all the smells.  
 Photo 2:  “Quizz was entered in Novice Rally at State Fair.  She had a hard time at State Fair. She was bothered by the craziness of crowds or people and dogs – and a drone.  I think it was overstimulating.  Here she is getting reward cuddles after showing.”

Quizz at 4 years
“Quizz received her AKC Farm Dog Certified title certificate.”

Ranger (Celhaus Queen Ranger) at 4 years
Ranger is doing great! We moved recently from downtown Denver to the suburbs of Denver in Lakewood, CO. After COVID, Matt and I each only have to go into the office once a week, so it was time to get out of the city. Ranger now has a big yard for her to chase the ball in and we can walk to the hiking trails from the house — she’s in doggy heaven! She’s taken up bringing balls to the sliding door that connects to the kitchen and the backyard and throwing them at the sliding door to let us know she wants a ball session. It’s hilarious.  She’s been doing well — we can’t believe she’s already four, although if you asked her she’s still two in her heart. We taught Ranger a new trick — spin — and it’s been funny to watch her offer it randomly to try to get some treats.”

Cash (Celhaus Quiggley) at 3 years 3 months
“Cash met our new grandson, Linus, today. Cash was infatuated and would not leave Linus’ side.  A few licks but no nibbles.  Some pictures of the meeting.

Cash at 3 years

Hilti (Celhaus Qua Hilti) at 2 years 9 months
“Snow crazy!”

Hilti at 2 years 5 months