Lively Pups

Photos of Lively Pups from the FF, GG, HH, ii & KK Litters
FF, GG & HH litters were from Lively bred to Chaos
see FF, GG & HH litter pedigree
see FF, GG & HH litter background information
GG litter temperament test results
(a change in website servers lost the FF & HH litter test results and I didn’t put them back up due to the time involved, but they can be emailed upon request)

Lively is grandmother of the LL litter, NN litter, MM & PP litters, and SS litter.
She is great-grandmother of the QQ litter, RR litter, UU litter TT litter, WW litter and XX litter.
I kept a female from the GG litter, GloryTooSee GloryToo’s pages.

ii & KK Litters are from Lively bred to Quasi
see ii & KK litter pedigree
see ii & KK litter background information
ii litter temperament test results:  Police/Narcotics test and Search & Rescue test
(a change in website servers lost the KK litter test results and I didn’t put them back up due to the time involved, but they can be emailed upon request)
I kept a female from the ii litter, Spirit.  See Spirit’s pages.

Hyder (Celhaus Hyder) at 9 years 7 months
“Mary got me a set of colored pencils for Christmas. I used to draw a lot in high school but stopped after that, when things got more serious. Finally found time to work on a portrait of Hyder.” 
Photo 2:  “Here is the final. I’m a kid again.  Steve”

Hamish (Celhaus Hurrah’s Halleluja) at 9 years 9 months
“With the green version of the JollyPets soccer ball.” (Zion has the red version).” 
Cel’s note:  Hamish welcomed Zion (ZZ litter) as a brother in February 2024.

Hamish, 9 years 8 months, with Zion (Celhaus Zooming Zion), 8 months
“Hamish and Zion at Eagle’s Nest open space.”

Hamish at 9 years 7 months
“Hamish is still doing great, working well as both a Wilderness Air Scent search dog and as a Water Recovery dog.  And as a great hiking buddy too.  This is the view I often have of him.”
Photo 2:  “Second picture is Hamish talking to me and saying to say Hello!  Hoping you and all the crew are doing well.  Sending you lots of love from us both.”

Hamish at 9 years 4 months
“Drum roll please, in addition to our certification as a Wilderness Air Scent Team, we are now also a Water Recovery Team.  That means we can tell whether or not there is likely a body in the water and narrow down the area to be searched by a dive team and sonar.  The photos show Hamish working the boat for water recovery training this summer.  I work him in a harness to help him feel more comfortable dipping way down to the water and not falling in.  He is a great swimmer, but getting him out of the water into the boat can be tricky sometimes.  As I write this, Hamish is demanding attention, maybe trying to send a hug thru the email to you as he is trying to jump on my lap!”

Hamish (Celhaus Hurrah’s Halleluja) and Nikki (Celhaus Ho’nehe Nicolita) at 9 years 7 months
“Hamish is being nice.  Nikki just swiped his elk antler.”

Kairos (Celhaus Hoffnung) at 9 years 9 months
Sabine trains service dogs.  Kairos is shown with her latest trainee.  “Kairos really likes her and is becoming puppy-ish himself at times.  Her energy level is just right for him.  Kairos is a wonderful mentor and did great with previous pups too but this one is a perfect match for him.  It’s very cute.”
Photo 1:  “Sharing chews”
Photo 2:  “Friends”
Photo 3:  “Tug”

Ava (Celhaus Kyla) at 8 years 2 months
Name Story:  Kyla is Hebrew for “victorious”; Ava is Hebrew for “life.”
Ava welcomed little brother, Archie (YY litter) in the summer of 2024
“Hi Cel, hope all is well.  A few photos of Ava and Archie.  They are such joys. Ava is amazing. She is such a beautiful and wise dog.  Archie is 11 months in the photos.”

Sad goodbyes:
Cody (Celhaus Gembala CDX, BN, NA, NAJ, ACT1, CGC, ATD)
at 10 years 5 months:  “Just FYI – we lost Cody last week to cancer in abdomen/spleen, etc.  We had hoped he would be with us a few more years, but God had different plans.”

Coda (Celhaus Ho Fiducia In Coda) at 9 years 7 months

Soleil (Celhaus Good Day Sunshine) at 8 years 2 months
Soleil died of cancer at 9 yrars old. She is missed terribly.
Photo 1:  “Your almost favorite girl…” 
Photos 2-3:  “The Shreveport Fire Department had their training camp Scottsville,TX.  We worked on cadaver finds. First time there for me, loved it.” 

Gryphon (Celhaus ho Galenos) at 9 years 10 months
Name Story: Greek for Gryphon the calm
Unfortunately, Gryphon died shortly after this, unexpectedly, of cancer.

Greta (Celhaus Faithful Frauline) at 10 years 4 months
Unfortunately, Greta succumbed to hemangiosarcoma in December 2022.
“A tongue I face every morning, telling me it’s time to get up!  Then 10 minutes of play and wrestling!”

GloryToo (Celhaus Gift of Glory) at 7 years 3 months
I lost my beloved GloryToo shortly after she turned 9, from hemangiosarcoma. She is terribly missed.
After she retired from breeding, GloryToo began working on another career.  She is training to be a court advocate dog (dog who goes to court with a child who must testify in an abuse case, to comfort him/her) if and when that program is approved statewide in Wyoming.  Her niece, Jamboree (from Soleil’s JJ litter) was the pilot dog for the program, which has since been sadly discontinued.  In these photos GloryToo is working on a long down-stay with distractions, some of which move and make noise. 

Harlee (Celhaus Harlee Von Grimmelhausen) at 7 years 5 months
Unfortunately, Harley died suddenly of cancer shortly before her 8th birthday.  We miss you, Harlee…

No recent news…
Layla (Celhaus K Layla) 
at 7 years 6 months
Layla’s family stopped overnight in Sheridan, so the next morning I took a few photos of her.

Havoc (Celhaus Forget Me Not) at 10 years 9 months
“Sorry I haven’t written in so long; time just gets away from me…it goes way too fast for me to keep up. We are all doing really well here and havoc is still going strong and looks great. You would never know he is getting ready to turn 11 in March!!!”

Gunnar (Celhaus Gallant Gunnar Celebrate Chaos) at 9 years 6 months
We have had an eventful last half of the year.  Gunnar broke his leg the end of September and was in a cast for 5 weeks.  He was slowly getting his strength back in his leg by short walks. Then I ended up having surgery on my foot and am now in a cast.  Boy, what a crazy 4-5 months.  We will now rehab together!  Merry Christmas!”

Fenway (Celhaus Fenway) at 10 years
Fenway completing her NADAC agility Grounders, NATCH1 and All-Around NATCH 5.  Way to go, girl!!! 

Comanche (Celhaus Irresistible) at 6 years 6 months
Search & Rescue Training

Comanche at 6 years 5 months
“We had a visitor this morning….both tails wagged as they checked each other…only on steps cause the goat can’t rear or butt….pretty fun……glad you socialized him with goats as a pup”

Comanche at 6 years 2 months
Search & Rescue Training

Abby (Celhaus Hues Good Abbie Gail) at 7 years
“We (Abbs and I!) have 5 grandsons…they’re hers also.  When I get together with the 4 youngest and they’re playing on my 14 acres off by themselves, she is always with the loner.”
Photos 1 & 2:  “A new friend gives Abbs a kiss at the Rec Center.”
Photos 3-4:  “Rounding up the grandboys at Shadow Mountain Lake”
Photo 5:  “A lady anxious to fly took a nap with Abbs.”
Photos 6 & 7: “A pillow for grandsons”
Photo 8:  “Guarding the Grandboys at the National Western Stock Show”
Photo 9:  “Boy time in the neighborhood”
Photo 10:  “After confirming again her role as my Medical Assistance Dog, the local clinic asked me to join them for a promotional photo they were doing for their website.”
Photos 12 & 13:  “Giving love at the hospice center”

Chavah (Celhaus Grace Upon Grace) at 7 years 6 months
“This remains her favorite toy, ever since she was a pup.  So grateful you recommended it years ago!!”