WW Litter

WW Litter
Lovely bred to Cantor
This is a repeat of the RR and TT litters. 
(The last repeat of this combination, the ZZ litter, was whelped 6/16/23) 
Whelped 1/16/22:  2 black and tan females and 1 black male
Miss Green (now “Shiloh”) went to Colorado for competition and therapy dog work.  Miss Pink (now “Rainey”) went to Utah for therapy dog work.  Mr. Purple (now “Porter”) stayed here and, as a therapy dog, will help his owner in his counseling work.  

Rainey (Celhaus Walk Beside Me Rain or Shine) at 2 years 5 months
“Rainey wants to wish Cantor a very Happy Father’s Day!”

Rainey at 2 years 3 months
Photos 1-3:  “Talk about a focused girl.  She won’t take her eyes off the ball for one second!”
Photo 4:  “Us in our new home.”  

Rainey at 2 years 2 months
“Rainey’s favorite toy is her holy roller ball. I put her purple one in the sink to clean it this morning because it got muddy. She wanted to play and I told her to go find her purple ball.  She kept putting her paws on the counter and looking in the sink. She never does that. I was puzzled when she kept getting up even after I told her to get off.  She kept looking at me like I lost my mind.  I had left right after ball time and I had just gotten back, and I had totally forgotten.  I was so confused until I went over there.  The look on her face was priceless.  So now she has her purple ball back!  She’s pretty special!  She also helps me find my cell phone when I misplace it.  Here she is begging to play with her purple holy roller ball.”

“Rainey on the left and Jazzy (3 years 2 months, from the UU litter) on the right at Starbucks.  They each got a pup cup.  Then playtime.”

Rainey at 1 year 11 months
 “Rainey got to visit her friends at Parrish Creek Vet the other day . And her god-mom Courtney couldn’t resist taking a glamorous shot of her.”

Rainey at 1 year 9 months
“Rainey hanging out with mom watching Lucky Dog this morning.  Not a great photo but it shows how silly she can be.  I think that’s why I took it.”

Rainey at 1 year 8 months
Photos 1-3:  “Rainey rode on a gondola today.  She jumped right on the gondola like she had done it a hundred times before.  Such a willingness to do something new!”
Photo 4:  “I finally have them both mellowed out.”

Rainey at 1 year 7 months
Photo 1:  “QTip and her momma, Rainey.”
Photo 2:  “She sure looks like her momma.”
Photo 3:  “Rainey patiently waiting for me to get ready for bed last night.”

Rainey at 1 year 6 months
Photos 1-2:  Rainey out in the yard with her favorite toy, of course.  I received your final (puppy-raising) mailing today.  Thanks so much!  I’ve appreciated all your support and hard work. Rainey is a gem and all I could have hoped for.  Every once in a while, Rainey looks just like her also!  It reminds me of how blessed I am to have her.  It’s a testament of how inspirations trigger prayers and then prayers are answered.  I don’t know if I ever told you, but I actually prayed for her.  I was very specific in my prayer.  I wanted a Lovely/Cantor puppy.  Rainey is long-bodied like Lovely is, and she’s also big tease like her mother!  That’s what’s so fun about her. She’s quite the clown and ever a dull moment! 
Photo 3:  “Rainey and QTip are pretty inseparable now.  When we can’t find her, we ask Rainey ‘Where’s QTip?  Let’s find her.’  Of course Rainey takes us right to her.  Quite the pair.  Oh, and did I tell you I don’t want a kitten??  (She’s my grandson’s cat.)  She also insists on being on my lap as well. Darn kitten!”
She is such a good girl!  I know that (the end of the support mailings) doesn’t mean the end of your support, but I just wanted to remind you how special you and all your puppies are.  I feel blessed to have her.  We love you, Cel!”

Shiloh (Celhaus Wind in Wyoming) at 2 years 4 months
“Shiloh asking to go outside and play.  Bummer, it’s raining.”

Shiloh at 2 years
Photo 1:  “Shiloh and her 2nd birthday cake.  I can’t believe she is actually 2.  The last several days of cold have kept us trying to find inside games, but we were able to go for a walk this afternoon.”
Photo 2:  “A beautiful day for a walk.”
 4/7/24 (2 yrs 3 mos):  “I took Shiloh to the airport last week and she was amazing! It was 9 pm, so not much going on and we did a bunch of rally stuff. She paid attention to me through it all and won a bunch of admirers too!  Best girl ever!”

Shiloh at 1 year 10 months
“Shiloh and I graduated our Foundations Agility class.  She is so quick to catch on to all the skills and we both love it.”

Shiloh at 1 year 9 months
“Shiloh after playing in a stream.  She is a beautiful girl!”

1yr8mos (10/13/23:  “Shiloh and I entered a show in Greeley in September, we entered Novice A again, just for the experience. Shiloh was more interested in the judge, because she knew her, than she was in Rally. But we had fun. It was great to be able to enjoy the show environment without any pressure.  We started an agility class after the show. Shiloh loves it. She can’t wait to get on the equipment and show everyone what she can do. She is already started to weave through 4 poles after just a few weeks of practice and she will run down the 12-pole course without hesitation. She has a zest for life that makes me smile every day.”
Shiloh at 1 year 6 months
Photo 1:  “We got our first Novice A Rally leg.  This was the first time in the ring for both of us.”
Photo 2:  “We got our Novice A Rally title!”

Shiloh at 1 year 4 months
Photo 1:  “Shiloh got a new toy yesterday.  She won’t put it down.”
Photo 2:  “This picture makes me laugh.  She doesn’t steal food from the table, but she really knows how to beg.”

Shiloh at 1 year 3 months
 (Cel’s note:  They attended the Dave Kroyer Nosework seminar on June 2-3, working on the first day – which was for beginners – and auditing the 2nd day – which was for dogs competing.  I still haven’t had time to start editing seminar photos.)
5/6/23:  “Katina & I met at a school this morning and did a bunch of nosework in the ball fields.  Shiloh and I are still very much beginners, but Katina said we were on a par with some of the beginners from last year.”
“Katina and I met out in the rain this evening for nosework.  Shiloh doesn’t mind the rain at all.  I often see the results of your training with Shiloh (as a baby).  She isn’t afraid to try anything new.  She uses her brain to figure stuff out.  And she is a joy to be around.”

Porter (Celhaus Wyoming’s Pitch Black Porter) at 1 year 10 months
 “Happy Thanksgiving to you this day of snow.  Porter is on the right, with Bird Dog Abby, a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, who belongs to my older son.”

Porter at 1 year 9 months
“Porter enjoying some golden-hour fetch.”

Porter at 1 year 8 months with Echo from the PP litter, 5 years 10 months old.”

Porter at 1 year 7 months
“Porter is such a sweetheart of a dog.  He just loves all people and all dogs.  Loves to play. Carries his ball around everywhere.”

WW litter background information
WW litter pedigree